External Publications Using GUI Data

Authors Year ↑ Title Link Journal/Book Abstract
Share, M., Kerrins, L.2009The Role of Grandparents in Childcare in Ireland: Towards a Research AgendaOpenIrish Journal of Applied Social Studies
Williams, J., Greene, S.2010Key Outcomes for Children: New Evidence from 'Growing up in Ireland'OpenESRI Research Bulletin
Reulbach, U., O'Dowd, T., McCrory, C., Layte, R.2010Chronic illness and emotional and behavioural strengths and difficulties in Irish children.OpenJournal of Epidemiology & Community Health
Smyth, E., Whelan, C.T., McCoy, S., Quail, A., Doyle, E.2010Understanding Parental Influence on Educational Outcomes Among 9 Year Olds in Ireland: The Mediating Role of Resources, Attitudes and Children’s Own PerspectivesOpenChild Indicators Research
Brick, A., Nolan, A., O’Reilly, J., Smith, S.2010Policy implications and a framework of entitlements for the Irish health‐care sector. In Framework for supporting the delivery of integrated health care in Ireland, Part 7, Chapter 15.OpenResource Allocation, Financing and Sustainability in Health Care Evidence for the Expert Group on Resource Allocation and Financing in the Health Sector
McGinnity, F., Quinn, E., Kingston, G., O'Connell, P.2011Immigrant children in Irish schools.OpenAnnual Monitoring Report on Integration 2011
Banks, J., McCoy, S.2011A Study on the Prevalence of Special Educational NeedsOpenNational Council for Special Education Research, Report No.9
McCrory, C., Layte, R.2011The effect of breastfeeding on children’s educational test scores at nine years of age: Results of an Irish cohort study.OpenSocial Science & Medicine
Quail, A., Murray, A., Williams, J.2011Support from grandparents to families with infants.OpenESRI Research Bulletin No. 2011/01/04.
Murray, A.2011Cultural differences in parenting practices.OpenESRI Research Bulletin No. 2010/04/04.
McNally, S., Bourke, A.2012Periconceptional folic acid supplementation in a nationally representative sample of mothers.OpenIrish Medical Association
Murray, A.2012The relationship of parenting style to academic achievement in middle childhoodOpenThe Irish Journal of Psychology
Thornton, M.2012Family structure in Ireland and child emotional and behavioral outcomes.OpenChild and Adolescent Mental Health
Murray, A.2012What can children’s fears tell us about childhood? An exploration of data collected as part of Growing Up in Ireland, the National Longitudinal Study of Children.OpenThe Irish Psychologist
Fahey, T., Keilthy, P., Polek, E.2012Family Relationships and Family Well-Being: A Study of the Families of Nine Year-Olds in IrelandOpenUCD / Family Support Agency
Hadfield, K., Nixon, E.2012Comparison of relationship dynamics within stepmother and stepfather families in IrelandOpenThe Irish Journal of Psychology
Denny, K.2012Breastfeeding predicts handedness.OpenLaterality
Darmody, M., Smyth, E., McCoy, S.2012School Sector Variation among Primary Schools in Ireland.OpenESRI / Educate Together
Keane, E., Layte, R., Harrington, J., Kearney, P., Perry, I.2012Measured parental weight status and familial socio-economic status correlates with childhood overweight and obesity at age 9.OpenPLoS ONE
Kelly, D., O'Dowd, T., Reulbach, U.2012Use of folic acid supplements and risk of cleft lip and palate in infants: a population-based cohort study.OpenBritish Journal of General Practice
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