External Publications Using GUI Data

Authors ↑ Year Title Link Journal/Book Abstract
Mohan, G.2023Characteristics and behaviours of young people who meet online contacts face-to-faceOpenInternational Journal of Adolescence and Youth
Mohan, G., Nolan, A.2020The impact of prescription drug co-payments for publicly insured familiesOpenThe European Journal of Health Economics
Mongan, D., Millar, S.R., Brennan, M.M., Doyle, A., Galvin, B., McCarthy, N.2024Associations and mediating factors between adverse childhood experiences and substance use behaviours in early adulthood: A population-based longitudinal studyOpenAddictive Behaviors
Montero-Marin, J., Hinze, V., Mansfield, K., Slaghekke, Y., Blakemore, SJ., Byford, S., Dalgleish, T., Greenberg, M.T., Viner, R.M., Ukoumunne, O.C., Ford, T., Kuyken, W., and the MYRIAD Team2023Young People’s Mental Health Changes, Risk, and Resilience During the COVID-19 PandemicOpenJAMA network
Montero-Marin, J., Hinze, V., Mansfield, K., Slaghekke, Y., Blakemore, SJ., Byford, S., Dalgleish, T., Greenberg, M.T., Viner, R.M., Ukoumunne, O.C., Ford, T., Kuyken, W., and the MYRIAD Team2023Young People’s Mental Health Changes, Risk, and Resilience During the COVID-19 PandemicOpenJAMA network
Murphy, D., Leonard, S.J., Taylor, L.K., Santos, F.H.2022Educational achievement and bullying: The mediating role of psychological difficultiesOpenBritish Journal of Educational Psychology
Murphy, S., Carter, L., Al Shizawi, T., Queally, M., Brennan, S., O’Neill, S.2023Exploring the relationship between breastfeeding and the incidence of infant illnesses in Ireland: evidence from a nationally representative prospective cohort studyOpenBMC Public Health
Murray, A.2012What can children’s fears tell us about childhood? An exploration of data collected as part of Growing Up in Ireland, the National Longitudinal Study of Children.OpenThe Irish Psychologist
Murray, A.2017Growing Up in Ireland and longitudinal research on educational transitionsOpenInklusive Übergänge: (Inter)nationale Perspektiven auf Inklusionim Übergang von der Schule in weitere Bildung, Ausbildung oder Beschäftigung
Murray, A.2014Biological risk versus socio-economic advantage: low birth-weight, multiple births and income variations among Irish infants born following fertility treatments.OpenIrish Journal of Medical Science
Murray, A.2011Cultural differences in parenting practices.OpenESRI Research Bulletin No. 2010/04/04.
Murray, A.2012The relationship of parenting style to academic achievement in middle childhoodOpenThe Irish Journal of Psychology
Murray, A., Egan, S.2013Does reading to infants benefit their cognitive development at 9-months-old? An investigation using a large birth cohort survey: An investigation using a large birth cohort surveyOpenChild Language Teaching and Therapy
Murray, A., McGinnity, F., Russell, H.2016Inequalities in Access to Early Care and Education in IrelandOpenCherishing All the Children Equally? Children in Ireland 100 Years on from the Easter Rising
Murtagh, E.M., Dempster, M., Murphy, M.H.2016Determinants of uptake and maintenance of active commuting to schoolOpenHealth & Place
Neville, R.D., Guo, Y., Boreham, C.A., Lakes, K.D.2021Longitudinal Association Between Participation in Organized Sport and Psychosocial Development in Early ChildhoodOpenThe Journal of Pediatrics
Neville, R.D., McArthur, B.A., Eirich, R., Lakes, K.D., Madigan, S.2021Bidirectional associations between screen time and children’s externalizing and internalizing behaviorsOpenThe Journal of Child Psyhology and Psychiatry
Neville, R.D., Nelson, M.A., Madigan, S., Browne, D.T., Lakes, K.D.2021Does physical activity moderate the association between screen time and psychosocial development in early childhood? Analysis of a longitudinal infant cohort study in IrelandOpenEuropean Journal of Pediatrics
Ng, K., Healy, S., O’Brien, W., Rodriguez, L., Murphy, M., Carlin, A.2023Irish Para Report Card on Physical Activity of Children and Adolescents With DisabilitiesOpenAdapted Physical Activity Quarterly
Nicholson, E., Doherty, E., Guerin, S., Schreiber, J., Barrett, M., McAuliffe, E.2022Healthcare utilisation and unmet health needs in children with intellectual disability: a propensity score matching approach using longitudinal cohort dataOpenJournal of Intellectual Disability Research