External Publications Using GUI Data
Authors | Year | Title | Link | Journal/Book ↑ | Abstract |
Garcia, JM., Healy, S., Rice, D. | 2016 | The Individual, Social, and Environmental Correlates of Physical Activity and Screen Time in Irish Children: Growing Up in Ireland Study | Open | Journal of Physical Activity and Health | |
Background Methods Results Conclusion | |||||
Matvienko-Sikar, K., Murphy, G., Murphy, M. | 2017 | The role of prenatal, obstetric, and post-partum factors in the parenting stress of mothers and fathers of 9-month old infants'. | Open | Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology | |
Introduction Methods Results Discussion Keywords | |||||
Mohan, G. | 2022 | The impact of household energy poverty on the mental health of parents of young children | Open | Journal of Public Health | |
Background Methods Results Conclusions | |||||
D'Urso, G., Symonds, J. | 2022 | Developmental Cascades of Internalizing and Externalizing Problems from Infancy to Middle Childhood: Longitudinal Associations with Bullying and Victimization | Open | Journal of School Violence | |
The current study investigates how internalizing and externalizing problems develop reciprocally across infancy to middle childhood, in relation to children’s gender, cognitive functioning, socioeconomic status, and parental stress. The study also examines the impact of the developmental cascade of internalizing and externalizing problems on bullying and victimization in middle childhood. The total sample comprised 11,134 participants studied across 9-months, 3-years, 5-years, 7/8-years and 9-years of age, from the Infant Cohort of the Growing Up in Ireland study (50.6% male). Using structural equation modeling, we discovered that externalizing problems predicted internalizing problems across time for both genders. However, internalizing problems predicted externalizing problems consistently across time for girls and not for boys. Furthermore, girls’ internalizing and externalizing problems were much more strongly predicted by socioeconomic status than boys’ problems were, suggesting a greater sensitivity to context for girls. Bullying in middle childhood was predicted by cognitive ability for both genders, and by externalizing problems for boys. In comparison, victimization was predicted by externalizing and internalizing problems for both genders. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed. | |||||
Culloty, A.M., O'Toole, C., Gibbon, F.E. | 2019 | Longitudinal Study of Expressive Language and Speech of Twins at 3 and 5 years: Outgrowing a Twinning Effect | Open | Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research | |
Purpose Method Results Conclusions | |||||
Gibbons, R.A., Sprong, S., Chzhen, Y. | 2023 | Growing Up in the Great Recession: The Effects of Three Dimensions of Economic Well-being on Child Behavioral Difficulties from Ages 3 to 17 | Open | Journal of Youth and Adolescence | |
Empirical research into the relationship between economic well-being and child outcomes has been limited by its cross-sectional nature, or its narrow focus on predominantly financial aspects of economic well-being. This article attempts to overcome these shortcomings by using data from the Growing Up in Ireland Cohort98 (age: 9–17; N = 5,748; female: 51.4%) and Cohort08 studies (age: 3–9 years; N = 7,208; female: 49.8%), which cover a period of large macroeconomic fluctuation (2007–2017). This fluctuation makes a robust fixed effects analysis feasible, allowing for economic well-being effects to be isolated by controlling for all time-invariant confounders. The article uses three different measures of economic well-being (subjective financial strain, material deprivation, income) to explore how distinct forms of economic well-being affect child behavior. The results suggest that household income is not related to behavioral difficulties, whereas subjective financial strain is predictive of externalized behavioral difficulties in adolescent boys. Material deprivation is predictive of externalized behavioral difficulties in adolescent boys and internalized behavioral difficulties in younger boys, but has no effect on girls’ behavioral outcomes. The findings indicate that the relationship between economic well-being and child behavioral outcomes is complex, and requires multi-dimensional measures of economic well-being to accurately ascertain the different effects. | |||||
Denny, K. | 2012 | Breastfeeding predicts handedness. | Open | Laterality | |
This study examined whether being breastfed predicts handedness. Two large representative samples from Britain (n=13,421) and Ireland (n=8,426) were used. Multivariate probit models are estimated, reporting the marginal effects of covariates on the probability of a child being right-handed. For both datasets, children who have been breastfed for a minimum period (between 1 month and 6 weeks) are significantly less likely to be left-handed. The results are robust to a variety of controls. Hence breastfeeding is an environmental factor that predicts handedness in a non-linear way, although the mechanism is unknown. Keywords: Breastfeeding; Lactation;b Handedness; Laterality | |||||
Smyth, E., Duta, A. | 2023 | Inequalities in children’s skills on primary school entry in Ireland and Scotland: do home learning environment and early childhood childcare explain these differences? | Open | Longitudinal and Life Course Studies | |
This article draws on the Growing Up in Ireland study and the Scottish sample of the Millennium Cohort Study to explore the factors influencing inequalities in children’s cognitive skills on entry to primary education. It adopts a multidimensional comparative approach, which directly compares the effects of parental education and household income on several cognitive outcomes (vocabulary, language, reading and numbers) among five-year-old children and examines the extent to which inequalities in these outcomes are mediated by the home learning environment (HLE) and early childhood education (ECE). Home learning environment plays a stronger role in explaining actual vocabulary differences in Ireland while it plays a stronger role in school readiness (teacher-assessed skills) in Scotland. In both countries, use of centre-based care at 9 months and 3 years was markedly higher among the top income quintile. Centre-based care is found to play a mediating role in school readiness in Scotland. Nonetheless, the findings point to important direct effects of family background even when HLE and childcare are taken into account. The analyses point to differences in the trajectory of early skill development in the two countries, with the impact of early skill development being more marked in Scotland than Ireland. Comparative analyses of this kind thus yield important insights for policy development by highlighting potential domains (such as childcare) or timing (preschool or within-school) for intervention. | |||||
Edwards, B., Scott, M.A. | 2023 | Natural hazards and life course consequences in a time of pandemic | Open | Longitudinal and Life Course Studies | |
Sprong, S., Gibbons, R.A., Chzhen, Y. | 2023 | Divergent trajectories: three dimensions of child poverty during the Great Recession in Ireland | Open | Longitudinal and Life Course Studies | |
While research has investigated the effects of the Great Recession on the Irish economy using economic indicators or cross-sectional household-level data, this research note applies group-based multitrajectory modelling to provide a more nuanced approach. Using nationally representative, longitudinal data from the Growing Up in Ireland study, we analyse patterns in three common measures of economic well-being (financial strain; disposable income; material deprivation) across Irish households in the period leading up to, during and after the Great Recession, and subsequently, break down the characteristics for each group of trajectories. We identify six distinct trajectory clusters, which all indicate declining income and increasing financial strain from the start to the height of the economic depression. However, trajectory groupings show that experiences were far from uniform, with previous economic well-being and demographic characteristics shaping the household experience. Implications for future research are discussed. | |||||
Watson, D., Whelan, C.T., Maître, B., Williams, J. | 2015 | Family Economic Vulnerability and the Great Recession: an Analysis of the First Two Waves of the Growing Up in Ireland Study | Open | Longitudinal and Life Course Studies | |
In this paper we make use of the first and second waves of the 2008 and 1998 cohorts of the Growing Up in Ireland study, to develop a multidimensional and dynamic approach to understanding the impact on families and children in Ireland of the Great Recession. Economic vulnerability is operationalised as involving a distinctive risk profile in relation to relative income, household joblessness and economic stress. We find that the recession was associated with a significant increase in levels of economic vulnerability and changing risk profiles involving a more prominent role for economic stress for both the 2008 and 1998 cohorts. The factors affecting vulnerability outcomes were broadly similar for both cohorts. Persistent economic vulnerability was significantly associated with lone parenthood, particularly for those with more than one child, lower levels of primary care giver (PCG) education and, to a lesser extent, younger age of PCG at child’s birth, number of children and a parent leaving or dying. Similar factors were associated with transient vulnerability in the first wave but the magnitude of the effects was significantly weaker particularly in relation to lone parenthood and level of education of the PCG. For entry into vulnerability the impact of these factors was again substantially weaker than for persistent and transient vulnerability indicating a significantly greater degree of socioeconomic heterogeneity among the group that became vulnerable during the recession. The findings raise policy and political problems that go beyond those associated with catering for groups that have tended to be characterized by high dependence on social welfare. | |||||
Kelly, L., Murray, A., Quail, A., McNamara, E. | 2022 | Adaptations to a cohort study in response to the COVID-19 pandemic: insights from Growing Up in Ireland | Open | Longitudinal and Life Course Studies | |
Growing Up in Ireland (GUI) is the national longitudinal study of children and young people in the Republic of Ireland and has followed two cohorts for over ten years to date: Cohort ’98 who were recruited into the study at age nine years and Cohort ’08, recruited at age nine months. The study aims to describe the lives of Irish children and young people in terms of their development, with a view to positively affecting policies and services available for them. Traditionally, data collection involved in-home visits from an interviewer who conducted face-to-face interviews, recorded physical measurements of study participants and administered cognitive assessments. However, with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and the associated restrictions, significant adaptations were required to these methods to ensure data collection for the pilot and main fieldwork for Cohort ’08 at age 13 could continue to the expected timeline. Face-to-face interviews with participants were replaced with telephone and web-based modes, interviewer training was conducted online, online resources were made available for interviewers and participants and COVID-19 related items were added to questionnaires. In addition to the scheduled data collection, a special COVID-19 survey was also conducted on both GUI cohorts in December 2020 to explore the impact of the pandemic on participants’ lives. This paper outlines the adaptations made to traditional data collection methods in GUI, highlighting the challenges that were met, but also the benefits of some changes that may be worth incorporating into future waves of GUI. | |||||
McNamara, E., Murray, A., Williams, J. | 2019 | Study Profile: Growing Up in Ireland | Open | Longitudinal and Life Course Studies | |
Growing Up in Ireland (GUI) is a two-cohort, longitudinal study of children and young people. The study aims to describe the health and development of Irish children across a range of topics; these include physical and mental health, family socio-demographic status, education, and the child’s behaviour, attitudes and key relationships. The study has been collecting data since 2007, beginning with a child cohort at nine years old (n = 8,568) and then an infant cohort at nine months old (n = 11,134). These data provide researchers and policy makers with a unique analytical tool to explore the well-being of children in Ireland. This paper provides an overview of all the stages involved in the development of the study, from its inception, to the establishment of the study’s aims, objectives and design, the ongoing data collection and panel maintenance, and the many uses of GUI data today. | |||||
O'Keeffe, L.M., Kearney, P.M., Greene, R.A. | 2015 | Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System in Ireland: Methods and Response Rates | Open | Maternal and Child Health Journal | |
To describe response rates and characteristics associated with response to the Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System study in Ireland (PRAMS Ireland). Using hospital discharge records of live births at a large, urban, obstetric hospital, a sampling frame of approximately 2,400 mother-infant pairs were used to alternately sample 1,200 women. Mothers’ information including name, address, parity, age and infant characteristics such as sex and gestational age at delivery were extracted from records. Modes of contact included an invitation letter with option to opt out of the study, three mail surveys, a reminder letter and text message reminder for remaining non-respondents. Sixty-one per cent of women responded to the PRAMS Ireland survey over a 133 day response period. Women aged <30, single women, multiparous women and women with a preterm delivery were less likely to respond. Women participating in PRAMS Ireland were similar to the national birth profile in 2011 which had a mean age of 32, were 40 % primiparous, 33 % single or never married and had a 28 % caesarean section rate. Survey and protocol changes are required to increase response rates above recommended Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) thresholds of 65 % within the recommended 90 day data collection cycle. Additional efforts such as stratification and over-sampling are required to increase representativeness among hard to reach groups such as younger, single and multiparous women before expanding the project to an ongoing, national surveillance system in Ireland. | |||||
McCrory C., Murray, A. | 2013 | The effect of breastfeeding on neuro-development in infancy. | Open | Maternal and Child Health Journal | |
The present study examines whether breastfeeding is associated with neuro-developmental advantages at 9 months of age on a standardised measure of infant development in a large cohort study of Irish children. It is hypothesised that if breast-milk confers an independent benefit, infants who were never breastfed will have reached fewer developmental milestones than those who were partially or exclusively breastfed, after controlling for putative confounding variables. Families with infants aged 9-months were recruited as part of a nationally representative sample for the birth cohort of the Growing Up in Ireland study (n = 11,134). Information was collected from mothers on breastfeeding practices, socio-demographic characteristics and developmental progress during a household interview. Parent-report items on development covered communication, gross motor, fine motor, problem solving and personal-social skills. Analysis of pass/fail status in each developmental domain using binary logistic regression showed a positive effect of any breastfeeding on gross motor, fine motor, problem solving and personal-social skills (but not communication) and these remained after adjustment for a range of confounding variables. There was, however, little evidence of a dose–response effect or advantage of exclusive over partial breastfeeding. A clear advantage of breastfeeding on infant development was demonstrated. However, the lack of a dose–response association on pass rates suggests that the breastfeeding effect may be confounded by other unobserved factors or that there is a critical threshold during which time the effect of breast milk may be particularly salient for bolstering brain development. | |||||
Maher, G.M., O'Keefe, G.W., O'Keefe, L.M., Matvienko-Sikar, K., Dalman, C., Kearney, P.M., McCarthy, F.P. & Khashan, A.S. | 2020 | The Association Between Preeclampsia and Childhood Development and Behavioural Outcomes | Open | Maternal and Child Health Journal | |
Objectives Methods Results Conclusions for Practice | |||||
Hughes, A., Gallagher, S., Hannigan, A. | 2015 | A Cluster Analysis of Reported Sleeping Patterns of 9-Month Old Infants and the Association with Maternal Health: Results from a Population Based Cohort Study. | Open | Maternal and Child Health Journal | |
The aim of this study was to identify, using cluster analysis, novel sleep phenotypes in a population based cohort of infants, and to explore the associations between infant sleep profiles and their mothers’ health and well-being. 11,134 mothers of 9-month old infants were interviewed as part of the Growing Up in Ireland National Longitudinal study and reported on their health and infant’s sleep patterns. 16 infant sleep variables were recorded together with measures of parental stress, depression, health and well-being. Multiple iterations of a two-step hierarchical cluster analysis were carried out to identify the optimum number of clusters and the subset of parental-reported sleep variables required to identify distinct sleep profiles. Four distinct sleep profiles were identified based on the following variables; (1) infant sleep duration at night, (2) parental sleep duration, (3) does baby wake during night (yes, no)? (4) Usual sleep location for most of the night and, (5) parental reporting of problem infant sleep patterns. This identified two less favorable profiles with both infants and mothers sleeping less and where mothers are more likely to report their infants’ sleep patterns as problematic. Mothers of infants belonging to these sleep profiles were more likely to have higher levels of stress, depressive symptoms, and poorer self-reported health than other sleep profiles. Breastfeeding was associated with both groups and rates were highest in a group of infants that were more likely to co-sleep with their parents and have diverse ethnic backgrounds. This study demonstrates, for the first time, two infant sleep profiles with distinct phenotypical frameworks that are significantly associated with maternal stress, depression, and poorer self-report of health. | |||||
O’Driscoll, D.J., Kiely, E., O’Keeffe, L.M., Khashan, A.S. | 2023 | Poverty trajectories and child and mother wellbeing outcomes in Ireland: findings from an Irish prospective cohort | Open | MedRXiv | |
Background Objective Methods Results Conclusions What is already known on this subject? What this study adds? How this study might affect research, practice or policy? | |||||
Banks, J., McCoy, S. | 2011 | A Study on the Prevalence of Special Educational Needs | Open | National Council for Special Education Research, Report No.9 | |
The increasing emphasis on inclusive education internationally has broadened the definition of special educational needs (SEN) and greatly affected national prevalence estimates. In line with these international trends, in Ireland the EPSEN Act (2004) defines SEN as any “restriction in the capacity of a person to participate in or benefit from education”. Taking this broad definition, this study draws on the first longitudinal study of children in Ireland, Growing Up in Ireland, to generate a new estimate of SEN prevalence among Irish nine-year-old children. The analysis combines detailed information, collected from parents and teachers, encompassing diverse types of SEN, including physical disabilities, speech impairments, learning disabilities and emotional/behavioural difficulties. In doing so, the study establishes a SEN prevalence rate of 25 per cent among children in the mid-primary years, a rate very much in line with recent research in other European contexts. Additionally, the study details the diversity of data collected on children and young people with SEN and disabilities across agencies and government departments, the potential value of this data and directions for improved learner databases. | |||||
Steiman De Visser, H., Dufault, B., Brunton, N.N., McGavock, J. | 2024 | Early life adversity and obesity risk in adolescence: a 9-year population-based prospective cohort study | Open | Nature | |
Background Methods Results Conclusions Impact