External Publications Using GUI Data

Authors Year Title Link ↑ Journal/Book Abstract
Banks J., McCoy S., Shevlin M.2013Inclusive Education Research: Evidence from Growing Up in IrelandOpenTrinity Education Papers
Darmody, M., Smyth, E.2017Profile of second-level students exempt from studying IrishOpenESRI Working Paper No.527
Darmody, M., McGinnity, F., Kingston, G.2016The Experiences of Migrant Children in IrelandOpenCherishing All the Children Equally? Children in Ireland 100 Years on from the Easter Rising
McCoy, S., Smyth, E., Banks, J.2012The Primary Classroom: Insights from the Growing Up in Ireland Study.OpenESRI / National Council for Curriculum and Assessment
McGinnity, F., Quinn, E., Kingston, G., O'Connell, P.2011Immigrant children in Irish schools.OpenAnnual Monitoring Report on Integration 2011
Greene, S.2016Changing Perceptions and Experiences of Childhood, 1916-2016OpenCherishing All the Children Equally? Children in Ireland 100 Years on from the Easter Rising
McCrory, C., Layte, R.2012Maternal smoking during pregnancy and child well-being: A burning issue.OpenESRI Research Bulletin No. 2012/4/1.
Mihut, G., McCoy, S.2020Examining the experiences of students, teachers and leaders at Educate Together second-level schoolsOpenESRI Research Series 113
Healy, S., Patterson, F., Williams, E., Lozano, A.J., Hanlon, A., Obrusnikova, I.2020Rethinking daily movement behaviours of children with autism spectrum disorder: meeting the 24-hour movement guidelinesOpenEuropean Journal of Adapted Physical Activity
Crowe, M., O'Sullivan, M., McNulty, B.A. Cassetti, O., O'Sullivan, A.2018Data Mapping From Food Diaries to Augment the Amount and Frequency of Food Measured Using Short Food QuestionnairesOpenFrontiers in Nutrition
Twenge, J., Blake, A., Haidt, J., Campbell, W.K.2020Commentary: Screens, Teens, and Psychological Well-Being: Evidence From Three Time-Use-Diary StudiesOpenFrontiers in Psychology
Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth2022Statistical Spotlight #7 - Experiences and Perceptions of Discrimination in IrelandOpenGovernment of Ireland
McNamara, E., Murray, A., Williams, J.2019Study Profile: Growing Up in IrelandOpenLongitudinal and Life Course Studies
Jabakhanji, S.B., Boland, F., Ward, M., Biesma, R.2018Body mass index changes in early childhoodOpenThe Journal of Pediatrics
McNally, S., Bourke, A.2012Periconceptional folic acid supplementation in a nationally representative sample of mothers.OpenIrish Medical Association
Sutin, A.R., Stephan, Y., Terracciano, A.2020Parent-Reported Personality and Weight Transitions across AdolescenceOpenChildhood Obesity
Egan, S., Beatty, C.2020The Role of Screen Time and Screen Activity in the Nonverbal Reasoning of 5-Year-Olds: Cross-Sectional Findings from a Large Birth Cohort StudyOpenCyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking
Cullinan, J., Roddy, A.2015A Socioeconomic Profile of Childhood DisabilityOpenThe Economics of Disability
Sunday, S., Kabir, Z.2019Impact of carers' smoking status on childhood obesity in the Growing Up in Ireland Cohort StudyOpenEnvironmental Research and Public Health
McConkey, R., Swift, A., Titterington, J.2021Changes in Children’s Speech and Language Difficulties from Age Five to Nine: An Irish National, Longitudinal StudyOpenEnvironmental Research and Public Health