Drawing on curriculum differentiation theory, this paper discusses exemptions from learning Irish granted to Irish post-primary students. In order to explore the profile of students granted such exemptions, the study utilises data from a national longitudinal study, Growing Up in Ireland. Additional information is provided by administrative data collected by the Department of Education and Skills to show trends in the number of exemptions granted over time. The findings show that factors impacting on being exempt include gender, social class, having a special educational need at primary school and being born outside Ireland.
Keyword(s): post-primary schools, curriculum differentiation, exemptions from Irish, Ireland
Cherishing All the Children Equally? Children in Ireland 100 Years on from the Easter Rising
None of the many critical moments in Ireland’s often tumultuous history was more significant or defining than the Easter Rising of 1916. Central to the Rising was the Proclamation of Independence, in which Pádraig Pearse declared the new nation’s resolve to cherish all its children equally. CHERISHING ALL THE CHILDREN EQUALLY? brings together contributions from a range of disciplines to shed light on the processes of child development and to investigate how that development is influenced by a variety of demographic, family and socio-economic factors. Making extensive use of research and data that have emerged over recent years from the Growing Up in Ireland longitudinal study of children, the book considers whether or not all children can participate fully and equitably in contemporary Irish society. It asks whether or not we do, in fact, cherish all our children equally in modern Ireland, regardless of their family circumstances, health or ethnic background.
Changing Perceptions and Experiences of Childhood, 1916-2016
Children and Families, Then & Now
Is Family Structure a Source of Inequality in Children’s Lives?
Parental Investment & Child Development
Inequalities in Access to Early Care and Education in Ireland
Inequalities from the Start? Children’s Integration into Primary School
Insights into the Prevalence of Special Educational Needs
The Experiences of Migrant Children in Ireland
Social Variation in Child Health & Development: A Life-course Approach
Child Access to GP Services in Ireland: Do User Fees Matter?
Anti-Social Behaviour at Age 13
Child Economic Vulnerability Dynamics in the Recession
Concluding Observations
McCoy, S., Smyth, E., Banks, J.
The Primary Classroom: Insights from the Growing Up in Ireland Study.
Cherishing All the Children Equally? Children in Ireland 100 Years on from the Easter Rising
None of the many critical moments in Ireland’s often tumultuous history was more significant or defining than the Easter Rising of 1916. Central to the Rising was the Proclamation of Independence, in which Pádraig Pearse declared the new nation’s resolve to cherish all its children equally. CHERISHING ALL THE CHILDREN EQUALLY? brings together contributions from a range of disciplines to shed light on the processes of child development and to investigate how that development is influenced by a variety of demographic, family and socio-economic factors. Making extensive use of research and data that have emerged over recent years from the Growing Up in Ireland longitudinal study of children, the book considers whether or not all children can participate fully and equitably in contemporary Irish society. It asks whether or not we do, in fact, cherish all our children equally in modern Ireland, regardless of their family circumstances, health or ethnic background.
Changing Perceptions and Experiences of Childhood, 1916-2016
Children and Families, Then & Now
Is Family Structure a Source of Inequality in Children’s Lives?
Parental Investment & Child Development
Inequalities in Access to Early Care and Education in Ireland
Inequalities from the Start? Children’s Integration into Primary School
Insights into the Prevalence of Special Educational Needs
The Experiences of Migrant Children in Ireland
Social Variation in Child Health & Development: A Life-course Approach
Child Access to GP Services in Ireland: Do User Fees Matter?
Anti-Social Behaviour at Age 13
Child Economic Vulnerability Dynamics in the Recession
Concluding Observations
McCrory, C., Layte, R.
Maternal smoking during pregnancy and child well-being: A burning issue.
In an effort to promote optimal health in all children, 24-hour movement guidelines that provide specific recommendations for physical activity, screen-time, and sleep have been developed (≥ 1 hour of physical activity, ≤ 2 hours of screen-time, 9-11 hours of sleep). Children who meet the recommendations for these health behaviours are less likely to be obese than those who do not meet them. This study compared the degree to which children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and typically developing (TD) children met the newly developed 24-hour movement guidelines. A propensity-score matched sample of 72 children (36 children with ASD, 36 TD children) from the “Growing Up in Ireland” study was included in the analysis. Based on parents’ completion of time-use diaries, fewer children with ASD, compared to TD children, met the recommendations for screentime (58.3% vs. 80.6%, p=0.07, V=0.24) and physical activity (41.7% vs. 69.4%, p=0.03, V=0.28). Children with ASD were most likely to meet two guidelines (44.4%), whereas TD children most commonly met all three guidelines (55.6%). The findings highlight the breadth of health behaviours that require intervention among children with ASD. The current study suggests that examining the movement behaviours that constitute a 24-hour period for children with ASD may be useful to inform interventions to reduce their risk for sub-optimal health.
Collecting accurate and detailed dietary intake data is costly at a national level. Accordingly, limited dietary assessment tools such as Short Food Questionnaires (SFQs) are increasingly used in large surveys. This paper describes a novel method linking matched datasets to improve the quality of dietary data collected. Growing Up in Ireland (GUI) is a nationally representative longitudinal study of infants in the Republic of Ireland which used a SFQ (with no portion sizes) to assess the intake of “healthy” and “unhealthy” food and drink by 3 years old preschool children. The National Preschool Nutrition Survey (NPNS) provides the most accurate estimates available for dietary intake of young children in Ireland using a detailed 4 days weighed food diary. A mapping algorithm was applied using food name, cooking method, and food description to fill all GUI food groups with information from the NPNS food datafile which included the target variables, frequency, and amount. The augmented data were analyzed to examine all food groups described in NPNS and GUI and what proportion of foods were covered, non-covered, or partially-covered by GUI food groups, as a percentage of the total number of consumptions. The term non-covered indicated a specific food consumption that could not be mapped using a GUI food group. “High sugar” food items that were non-covered included ready-to-eat breakfast cereals, fruit juice, sugars, syrups, preserves and sweeteners, and ice-cream. The average proportion of consumption frequency and amount of foods not covered by GUI was 44 and 34%, respectively. Through mapping food codes in this manner, it was possible, using density plots, to visualize the relative performance of the brief dietary instrument (SFQ) compared to the more detailed food diary (FD). The SFQ did not capture a substantial portion of habitual foods consumed by 3-year olds in Ireland. Researchers interested in focussing on specific foods, could use this approach to assess the proportion of foods covered, non-covered, or partially-covered by reference to the mapped food database. These results can be used to improve SFQs for future studies and improve the capacity to identify diet-disease relationships.
Twenge, J., Blake, A., Haidt, J., Campbell, W.K.
Commentary: Screens, Teens, and Psychological Well-Being: Evidence From Three Time-Use-Diary Studies
Growing Up in Ireland (GUI) is a two-cohort, longitudinal study of children and young people. The study aims to describe the health and development of Irish children across a range of topics; these include physical and mental health, family socio-demographic status, education, and the child’s behaviour, attitudes and key relationships. The study has been collecting data since 2007, beginning with a child cohort at nine years old (n = 8,568) and then an infant cohort at nine months old (n = 11,134). These data provide researchers and policy makers with a unique analytical tool to explore the well-being of children in Ireland. This paper provides an overview of all the stages involved in the development of the study, from its inception, to the establishment of the study’s aims, objectives and design, the ongoing data collection and panel maintenance, and the many uses of GUI data today.
Jabakhanji, S.B., Boland, F., Ward, M., Biesma, R.
To longitudinally investigate body mass index (BMI) in young children in Ireland and identify factors and critical time points associated with changes in BMI.
Study design
Data on 11 134 children were collected in the nationally representative Growing Up in Ireland infant cohort study. Height and weight were measured at 9 months, 3 years, and 5 years of age. Multilevel regression was used to identify risk factors associated with changes in BMI over time (n = 10 377), combining a unique set of covariates collected from the child and the 2 main caregivers (usually the mother and father).
The proportion of children ≥85th percentile of World Health Organization growth criteria was 39% at 9 months, 44% at 3 years, and 30% at 5 years. Children born large for gestational age (13%) and those with rapid infant weight gain (25%) consistently had higher BMI. Low average BMIs were consistently seen in children born small for gestational age (10%) or before 37 weeks (7%). Smaller variations in BMI existed for other factors including ethnicity, household structure, caregiver weight status, breastfeeding, sex, socioeconomic status, sleeping hours, childcare, and region.
In this study, differences at birth and in infancy appear to be most strongly associated with variation in BMI at all ages. Nevertheless, belonging to a number of other high-risk groups cumulatively could lead children to develop critical weight states. Policy-makers should target families with interventions before and during pregnancy when dominant risk factors are still modifiable. Longer-term follow-up of children may be needed to study associations later in childhood.
Growing Up in Ireland, body mass index, childhood obesity, growth trajectories, multilevel modelling
McNally, S., Bourke, A.
Periconceptional folic acid supplementation in a nationally representative sample of mothers.
This study reports recent trends in periconceptional folic acid use in Ireland using archived data from Growing Up in Ireland – the National Longitudinal Study of Children. Of a sample of 10,891 mothers, 6,936 (64%) reported taking folic acid before conception and 10,157 (93%) reported taking folic acid during the first trimester of pregnancy. Younger (OR=0.38, 95% CI=0.29-0.50), lower income (OR=0.59, 95% CI=0.51-0.68), lower educated (OR=0.77, 95% CI=0.66-0.89), and single mothers (OR=0.46, 95% CI=0.40-0.52) were less likely to have taken folic acid pre-conception. A similar pattern was found post-conception with younger (OR=0.58, 95% CI=0.40-0.84), lower income (OR=0.40, 95% CI=0.30-0.53), lower educated (OR=0.50, 95% CI=0.38-0.66), and single mothers (OR=0.74, 95% CI=0.60-0.91) less likely to have taken folic acid post-conception. The findings highlight an ongoing need for targeted promotional campaigns to increase supplementation rates among younger and socially disadvantaged mothers.
Sutin, A.R., Stephan, Y., Terracciano, A.
Parent-Reported Personality and Weight Transitions across Adolescence
Adolescence is a critical transition point for body weight. Personality traits are associated consistently with weight and obesity risk in adulthood. We examined whether personality, particularly Conscientiousness (the tendency to be organized, disciplined, and responsible), is associated with weight outcomes between ages 13 and 17.
Data are drawn from the Growing Up in Ireland suites of studies. Parents rated their child’s personality at age 13, and trained staff measured weight and height at ages 13 and 17 (N = 4962). Logistic regression was used to predict risk of incident obesity and obesity remission between ages 13 and 17.
Among children who were not in the obesity category at age 13, higher Conscientiousness was associated with lower risk of moving into the obesity category by age 17, and, among children with obesity at age 13, Conscientiousness was associated with greater likelihood of moving to the nonobesity category by age 17. These associations were independent of sociodemographic characteristics, parent body mass index, and were similar across gender. The other five-factor model personality traits were unrelated to weight outcomes.
Conscientiousness is one trait psychological factor implicated in weight transitions across a critical period during adolescence.
Egan, S., Beatty, C.
The Role of Screen Time and Screen Activity in the Nonverbal Reasoning of 5-Year-Olds: Cross-Sectional Findings from a Large Birth Cohort Study
Family and home environment factors have been outlined in previous literature as important variables that affect early reasoning development. However, little research has focused on the association between screen use in the home environment and nonverbal reasoning ability. The aim of this cross-sectional study is to examine the role of both screen time and various screen activities (e.g., television, video, or educational games) in nonverbal reasoning ability in 9,001 5-year-old children using a large birth cohort study (Growing Up in Ireland). Interviews conducted with parents related to the children’s screen use and various family factors, while reasoning ability was measured using a standardized task (Picture Similarities Task, British Ability Scales II). A hierarchical multiple regression examined the role of screen use in nonverbal reasoning, while also statistically controlling for family factors such as parental education and employment status. Screen use variables made a significant contribution to the regression model, even after family factors were accounted for, although the effect sizes were very small. Playing educational games, video games, or engaging in over three hours screen use per day were all significant predictors of nonverbal reasoning scores in the final adjusted model. The results of this study suggest that screen use may play a small role in the development of nonverbal reasoning in young children. The findings highlight the need for further studies in this area and may have implications for current debates in screen time research.
This chapter presents a socioeconomic profile of childhood disability in an Irish context. Using data from the Growing Up in Ireland (GUI) survey, it considers a range of dimensions. These include an analysis of the associations between the childhood disability status of a household and a range of socioeconomic indicators relating to labour market outcomes, levels of parental education, social class, income and economic hardship. The chapter compares households with and without a child with a disability on the basis of these socioeconomic measures. The primary carer of a child with a disability is considerably less likely to participate in the labour market and considerably more likely to turn down work opportunities, when compared to a primary carer of a child without a disability. Parents of a child with a disability are less likely to be educated at third level and more likely to be in the lowest social class.
Sunday, S., Kabir, Z.
Impact of carers' smoking status on childhood obesity in the Growing Up in Ireland Cohort Study
Childhood obesity is a growing concern worldwide. The association between childhood obesity and maternal smoking and/or paternal smoking has been reported. However, few studies have explored the association between childhood obesity and exposure to carers’ smoking status. This study aimed to assess the impact of carers’ smoking status on childhood obesity in a cohort of children enrolled in the Growing up in Ireland (GUI) study. Participants from the GUI infant cohort were categorized into four groups based on their exposure status: Neither caregiver smoked (60.4%), only primary caregiver smoked (13.4%), both caregivers smoked (10.9%). Exposure to primary carers’ smoking (98% are biological mothers) was found to be significantly associated with childhood overweight/obesity at age three (Odds Ratio: 1.30, 95% CI: 1.17–1.46) and at age five (OR: 1.31, 95% CI: 1.16–1.49). Exposure to both carers’ smoking status was significantly associated with increased odds of childhood overweight/obesity across both waves. These findings emphasize the health burden of childhood obesity that may be attributable to maternal smoking postnatally and through early childhood in Ireland.
growing up in Ireland, childhood obesity, primary carer, secondary carer
McConkey, R., Swift, A., Titterington, J.
Changes in Children’s Speech and Language Difficulties from Age Five to Nine: An Irish National, Longitudinal Study
In many countries, information on the prevalence of persistent speech and language disorders in early childhood is sparse due to the lack of nationally representative samples and longitudinal studies. Secondary analysis of data collected on over 7500 Irish children at ages 5 and 9 years, found that the prevalence of speech and language difficulties reported by the primary caregivers of Irish children decreased from one in six at age 5 to one in 12 at age 9. However, one in 20 children were reported to have difficulties at both ages. Regression analysis compared children with difficulties at both age 5 and age 9 to those who had been reported to have them at age 5 but no longer had such difficulties at age 9. Children with speech and language difficulties at both age 5 and age 9 were more likely to have two or more developmental impairments as well as current or past hearing impairments. Teachers and parents also reported a greater number of social-emotional difficulties. Family characteristics did not differ significantly across the two groupings. At best, up to one third of the children at ages 5 and 9 with speech and language difficulties had two or more contacts with a speech and language therapists in the preceding 12 month period. Increased support to these children, their parents and teachers would seem to be warranted.
speech difficulties, language difficulties, children, longitudinal, national, survey, Ireland, speech and language therapy
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