External Publications Using GUI Data

Authors Year Title ↑ Link Journal/Book Abstract
Darmody, M., McGinnity, F., Kingston, G.2016The Experiences of Migrant Children in IrelandOpenCherishing All the Children Equally? Children in Ireland 100 Years on from the Easter Rising
Butler, M.I., Bastiaanssen, T.F.S., Long-Smith, C.M., et al.2023The gut microbiome in social anxiety disorder: evidence of altered composition and functionOpenTranslational Psychiatry
Masukume, G., O'Neill, S.M., Baker, P.N., Kenny, L.C., Morton, S.M.B., Khashan, A.S.2018The impact of caesarean section on the risk of childhood overweight and obesity: new evidence from a contemporary cohort studyOpenScientific Reports
Mohan, G.2022The impact of household energy poverty on the mental health of parents of young childrenOpenJournal of Public Health
Khalaf, S.Y., O'Neill, S.M., O'Keeffe, L.M., Henriksen, T.B., Kenny, L., Cryan, J.F., Khashan, A.S.2015The impact of obstetric mode of delivery on childhood behaviourOpenSocial Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology
Mohan, G., Nolan, A.2020The impact of prescription drug co-payments for publicly insured familiesOpenThe European Journal of Health Economics
Garcia, JM., Healy, S., Rice, D.2016The Individual, Social, and Environmental Correlates of Physical Activity and Screen Time in Irish Children: Growing Up in Ireland StudyOpenJournal of Physical Activity and Health
Mohan, G.2021The influence of caregiver's migration status on child's use of healthcare services: evidence from IrelandOpenSociology of Health and Illness
Ladewig, E.L., Hayes, C., Browne, J., Layte, R., Reulbach, U.2014The influence of ethnicity on breastfeeding rates in Ireland: a cross-sectional studyOpenJournal of Epidemiology and Community Health
Hannan, C., Halpin, B.2014The Influence of Family Structure on Child Outcomes: Evidence for IrelandOpenEconomic And Social Review
Palmer, R., Layte, R., Kearney, J.2019The maternal health behaviour of non-Irish nationals during pregnancy and the effect of time living in IrelandOpenThe Journal of Public Health
McCoy, S., Smyth, E., Banks, J.2012The Primary Classroom: Insights from the Growing Up in Ireland Study.OpenESRI / National Council for Curriculum and Assessment
Madden, D.2013The relationship between low birth weight and socioeconomic status in Ireland.OpenJournal Of Biosocial Science
Murray, A.2012The relationship of parenting style to academic achievement in middle childhoodOpenThe Irish Journal of Psychology
McCoy, S., Maitre, B., Watson, D.2016The Role of Disability and Parental Expectations in Child WellbeingOpenESRI Research Bulletin
McEvoy, O., Cronin, F., Brannigan, R., Stanistreet, D., Layte, R.2022The role of family, school and neighbourhood in explaining inequalities in physical activity trajectories between age 9 and 18OpenSSM - Population Health
McEvoy, O., Cronin, F., Brannigan, R., Stanistreet, D., Layte, R.2022The role of family, school and neighbourhood in explaining inequalities in physical activity trajectories between age 9 and 18OpenSSM - Population Health
Share, M., Kerrins, L.2009The Role of Grandparents in Childcare in Ireland: Towards a Research AgendaOpenIrish Journal of Applied Social Studies
McCoy, S., Maitre, B., Watson, D., Banks, J.2016The role of parental expectations in understanding social and academic well-being among children with disabilities in IrelandOpenEuropean Journal of Special Needs Education
Matvienko-Sikar, K., Murphy, G., Murphy, M.2017The role of prenatal, obstetric, and post-partum factors in the parenting stress of mothers and fathers of 9-month old infants'.OpenJournal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology