External Publications Using GUI Data

Authors Year Title ↑ Link Journal/Book Abstract
Laurence, J., Russell, H., Smyth, E.2023What Protected the Wellbeing of Mothers during the Pandemic?OpenEconomic & Social Research Institute
McMullin, P., McGinnity, F., Murray, A., Russell, H.2020What You Do Versus Who You Are: Home-Learning Activities, Social Origin and Cognitive Skills among Young Children in IrelandOpenEuropean Sociological Review
O’Connell, M., Marks, G.2023Why are students attending fee-charging second-level schools in Ireland more likely to progress to high-demand university degree courses? Evidence from the Growing Up in Ireland longitudinal surveyOpenIrish Educational Studies
Gray, J., Geraghty, R., Ralph, D.2013Young grandchildren and their grandparents: a secondary analysis of continuity and change across four birth cohortsOpenRelationships and Societies
Montero-Marin, J., Hinze, V., Mansfield, K., Slaghekke, Y., Blakemore, SJ., Byford, S., Dalgleish, T., Greenberg, M.T., Viner, R.M., Ukoumunne, O.C., Ford, T., Kuyken, W., and the MYRIAD Team2023Young People’s Mental Health Changes, Risk, and Resilience During the COVID-19 PandemicOpenJAMA network
Montero-Marin, J., Hinze, V., Mansfield, K., Slaghekke, Y., Blakemore, SJ., Byford, S., Dalgleish, T., Greenberg, M.T., Viner, R.M., Ukoumunne, O.C., Ford, T., Kuyken, W., and the MYRIAD Team2023Young People’s Mental Health Changes, Risk, and Resilience During the COVID-19 PandemicOpenJAMA network
Mohan, G.2021Young, poor, and sick: The public health threat of energy poverty for children in IrelandOpenEnergy Research & Social Science