External Publications Using GUI Data

Authors Year ↑ Title Link Journal/Book Abstract
Russell, H., Smyth, E.2024Caregiving among Young Adults in IrelandOpenESRI Research Series 168
Bilgin, A., Sloan, S., Neville, R.2024Is the association between infant regulatory problems and trajectories of childhood internalizing and externalizing symptoms moderated by early screen media exposure?OpenPsyArXiv Preprints
McCoy, S., Carroll, E., Ye, K.2024‘Embracing Diversity in all its Forms’: The Voluntary Secondary Sector in Irish EducationOpenESRI Research Series 182
Dempsey, C., Devine, R., Symonds, J., Sloan, S., Hughes, C.2024Interacting adult-child relationships and school adjustment: Findings from growing up in IrelandOpenJournal of Applied Developmental Psychology
Butler, E., Clarke, M., Spirtos, M., O Keeffe, L.M., Dooley, N.2024Pregnancy complications and childhood mental health: is the association modified by sex or adverse social circumstances? Findings from the ‘growing up in Ireland’ national infant cohort studyOpenSocial Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology
O’Driscoll, D.J., Kiely, E., O'Keeffe, L.M., Khashan, A.S.2024Poverty trajectories and child and mother well-being outcomes in Ireland: findings from an Irish prospective cohortOpenJournal of Epidemiology & Community Health
D’Urso, G., Caravita, S.C., Symonds, J.2024Bullying Victimization as an Adverse Experience for Psychosocial Adjustment among Irish AdolescentsOpenInternational Journal of Bullying Prevention