External Publications Using GUI Data

Authors Year Title Link Journal/Book Abstract ↑
Maitre, B., Russell, H., Smyth, E.2014The dynamics of child poverty in Ireland: Evidence from the Growing Up in Ireland surveyOpenESRI Research Series 121
McCoy, S., Lyons, S.2018Digital technologies and student learningOpenIreland's Yearbook of Education 2018/2019
McCrory, C., Layte, R.2012Maternal smoking during pregnancy and child well-being: A burning issue.OpenESRI Research Bulletin No. 2012/4/1.
McCoy, S., Smyth, E., Banks, J.2012The Primary Classroom: Insights from the Growing Up in Ireland Study.OpenESRI / National Council for Curriculum and Assessment
McGinnity, F., Quinn, E., Kingston, G., O'Connell, P.2011Immigrant children in Irish schools.OpenAnnual Monitoring Report on Integration 2011
McGinnity, F., Quinn, E., Kingston, G., O’Connell, P.2014The Second Generation: Children of Immigrants (at 3) and Their FamiliesOpenAnnual Monitoring Report on Integration 2013
Mihut, G., McCoy, S.2021Growing Up in Ireland: Insights on inclusion in schoolsOpenIreland's Yearbook of Education 2019/2020
Mihut, G., McCoy, S.2020Examining the experiences of students, teachers and leaders at Educate Together second-level schoolsOpenESRI Research Series 113
Murray, A.2012What can children’s fears tell us about childhood? An exploration of data collected as part of Growing Up in Ireland, the National Longitudinal Study of Children.OpenThe Irish Psychologist
Murray, A.2011Cultural differences in parenting practices.OpenESRI Research Bulletin No. 2010/04/04.
Murray, A.2017Growing Up in Ireland and longitudinal research on educational transitionsOpenInklusive Übergänge: (Inter)nationale Perspektiven auf Inklusionim Übergang von der Schule in weitere Bildung, Ausbildung oder Beschäftigung
Bowe, A., Hourihane, J., Murray, D., Staines, A.2021Validity of the ages and stages questionnaire for detecting later below average cognitive functionOpenArchives of Disease in Childhood
Reulbach, E., Ladewig, E.L., Nixon, E., O’Moore, M., Williams, J., O’Dowd, T.2013Weight, Body Image and Bullying in 9-year-Old ChildrenOpenJournal of Paediatrics and Child Health
Katsantonis, I., Symonds, J. E.2023Population heterogeneity in developmental trajectories of internalising and externalising mental health symptoms in childhood: differential effects of parenting stylesOpenEpidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences, 32, e16.
Brannigan, R., Cronin, F., McEvoy, O., Stanistreet, D., Layte, R.2022Verification of the Goldilocks Hypothesis: the association between screen use, digital media and psychiatric symptoms in the Growing Up in Ireland studyOpenSocial Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology
Girard, L.C., Doyle, O., Tremblay, R.E.2017Breastfeeding, cognitive and noncognitive development in early childhood: a population study.OpenPediatrics
Bilgin, A., Sloan, S., Neville, R.2024Is the association between infant regulatory problems and trajectories of childhood internalizing and externalizing symptoms moderated by early screen media exposure?OpenPsyArXiv Preprints
Cotter, I., Healy, C., King, R., Cotter, DR., Cannon, M.2020Changes in body mass index and risk of adolescent psychopathology: a longitudinal cohort studyOpenIrish Journal of Psychological Medicine
Sutin, A.R., Stephan, Y., Terracciano, A.2020Parent-Reported Personality and Weight Transitions across AdolescenceOpenChildhood Obesity
Murphy, D., Leonard, S.J., Taylor, L.K., Santos, F.H.2022Educational achievement and bullying: The mediating role of psychological difficultiesOpenBritish Journal of Educational Psychology