External Publications Using GUI Data

Authors ↑ Year Title Link Journal/Book Abstract
Dempsey, C., Devine, R., Symonds, J., Sloan, S., Hughes, C.2024Interacting adult-child relationships and school adjustment: Findings from growing up in IrelandOpenJournal of Applied Developmental Psychology
Dempsey, C., Devine, R.T., Symonds, J.E., Sloan, S., Hughes, C.2023Compensatory and Cumulative: Mother, Father and Teacher-Child Relationships Interact to Predict School Adjustment and AchievementOpenOSF Preprints
Dempsey, S., Lyons, S., McCoy, S.2019Later is better: mobile phone ownership and child academic development, evidence from a longitudinal studyOpenEconomics of Innovation and New Technology
Dempsey, S., Lyons, S., McCoy, S.2020Early mobile phone ownership: influencing the wellbeing of girls and boys in Ireland?OpenJournal of Children and Media
Denny, K.2012Breastfeeding predicts handedness.OpenLaterality
Dental Health Foundation and Oral Health Services Research Centre, University College, Cork2014Oral Health in Ireland: Hand book for Health Professionals 2nd EditionOpenDental Health Foundation
Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth2022Statistical Spotlight #7 - Experiences and Perceptions of Discrimination in IrelandOpenGovernment of Ireland
Devitt, A., Condon, J., Dalton, G., O'Connell, J., Ní Dhuinn, M.2018An mhaith leat an Ghaeilge? An analysis of variation in primary pupil attitudes to Irish in the growing up in Ireland studyOpenInternational Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism
Dhondt, N., Healy, C., Clarke, M., Cannon, M.2019Childhood adversity and adolescent psychopathology: Evidence for mediation in a national longitudinal cohort studyOpenBritish Journal of Psychiatry
Doherty, E.2014Socioeconomic Inequalities in Child VaccinationOpenHealth Economics & Policy Analysis
Doherty, E., Walsh, B., O'Neill, C.2014Decomposing socioeconomic inequality in child vaccination: results from Ireland.OpenVaccine
Dominguez Castro, P., Layte, R., Kearney, J.2014Ethnic variation in breastfeeding and complimentary feeding in the Republic of Ireland.OpenNutrients.
Dooley, N., Healy, C., Cotter, D.2023Trajectories of psychopathology among young people related to outcomes in young adulthoodOpenEuropean Journal of Public Health
Dooley, N., Kennelly, B., Arseneault, L., Zammit, S., Whelan, R., Mosley, O., Cotter, D., Clarke, M., Cotter, D.R., Kelleher, I., McGorry, P., Healy, C., Cannon, M.2023Functional Outcomes Among Young People With Trajectories of Persistent Childhood PsychopathologyOpenJAMA network
Doran, P., Bradshaw, P., Morton, S., El-Shadan, T., Williams, J., Cunningham, C.2020Growing up Healthy in Families Across the Globe: Cross-Cultural Harmonisation of Childhood Risk-Factors Using Longitudinal Studies from Ireland, Scotland and New ZealandOpenChild Indicators Research
Driscoll, D., Kiely, E., O’Keeffe, L.M., Khashan, A.S.2024Household energy poverty and trajectories of emotional and behavioural difficulties in children and adolescents: findings from two prospective cohort studiesOpenSocial Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology
Driscoll, D.J., Khashan, A.S., O’Keeffe, L.M., Kiely, E.2024The association of multidimensional household poverty with child and mother psychopathology wellbeing trajectories using a prospective longitudinal cohort in IrelandOpenEuropean Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
Duggan, B., Mohan, G.2022A Longitudinal Examination of Young People's Gambling Behaviours and Participation in Team SportsOpenJournal of Gambling Studies
Edwards, B., Scott, M.A. 2023Natural hazards and life course consequences in a time of pandemicOpenLongitudinal and Life Course Studies
Egan, S., Beatty, C.2020The Role of Screen Time and Screen Activity in the Nonverbal Reasoning of 5-Year-Olds: Cross-Sectional Findings from a Large Birth Cohort StudyOpenCyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking