External Publications Using GUI Data

Authors Year Title Link Journal/Book Abstract ↑
Brennan, M., Cavallaro, M., Mongan, D., Doyle, A., Millar, S., Zgaga, L., Smyth, B., Nixon, E., Ivors, J., Galvin, B., Walsh, C., McCrory, C., McCarthy, N.2025Factors Associated With Cocaine Use at 17 and 20 Years Old: A Longitudinal Analysis of a Nationally Representative CohortOpenJournal of Adolescent Health
Driscoll, D., Kiely, E., O’Keeffe, L.M., Khashan, A.S.2024Household energy poverty and trajectories of emotional and behavioural difficulties in children and adolescents: findings from two prospective cohort studiesOpenSocial Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology
Darmody, M., Smyth, E.2016Primary School Principals' Job Satisfaction and Occupational StressOpenInternational Journal of Educational Management
Culloty, A.M., O'Toole, C., Gibbon, F.E.2019Longitudinal Study of Expressive Language and Speech of Twins at 3 and 5 years: Outgrowing a Twinning EffectOpenJournal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research
Khalaf, S.Y., O'Neill, S.M., O'Keeffe, L.M., Henriksen, T.B., Kenny, L., Cryan, J.F., Khashan, A.S.2015The impact of obstetric mode of delivery on childhood behaviourOpenSocial Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology
Crowe, M., O'Sullivan, M., Cassetti, O., O'Sullivan, A.2020Estimation and consumption pattern for free sugar intake in 3-year-old Irish preschool childrenOpenEuropean Journal of Nutrition
Crowe, M., O’Sullivan, M., Cassetti, O., O’Sullivan, A.2020Estimation and consumption pattern of free sugar intake in 3-year-old Irish preschool childrenOpenEuropean Journal of Nutrition volume
Thornton, M., Darmody, M., McCoy, S.2013Persistent absenteeism among Irish primary school pupilsOpenEducational Review
Hannan, C., Halpin, B.2014The Influence of Family Structure on Child Outcomes: Evidence for IrelandOpenEconomic And Social Review
Crowe, M., O'Sullivan, M., Cassetti, O., O'Sullivan, A.2017Weight status and dental problems in early childhood: Classifcation tree analysis of a national cohortOpenDentistry Journal
Casey, A., Layte, R., Lyons, S., Silles, M.2012Home computer use and academic performance of nine-year-oldsOpenOxford Review of Education
O’Connell, M., Marks, G.2023Why are students attending fee-charging second-level schools in Ireland more likely to progress to high-demand university degree courses? Evidence from the Growing Up in Ireland longitudinal surveyOpenIrish Educational Studies
Swift, A., McConkey, R., Curry, P., Garcia Iriarte, E.2021Social-Emotional Difficulties in Irish Children Aged Five and Nine Years: A National, Longitudinal StudyOpenChildren
McAvoy, H., Kabir, Z., Reulbach, U., McDaid, O., Metcalfe, O., Clancy, L.2013A Tobacco-Free Future – an all-island report on tobacco, inequalities and childhood.OpenInstitute of Public Health / TobaccoFree Research Institute Ireland
Nolan, A., Smyth, E.2024Sexual health literacy and sexual health behaviours among young adults in IrelandOpenESRI Research Series 200
Hadfield, K., Nixon, E.2012Comparison of relationship dynamics within stepmother and stepfather families in IrelandOpenThe Irish Journal of Psychology
Dempsey, C., Devine, R., Symonds, J., Sloan, S., Hughes, C.2024Interacting adult-child relationships and school adjustment: Findings from growing up in IrelandOpenJournal of Applied Developmental Psychology
Sharpe, J., Bunting, B., Heary, C.2023A Latent Class Analysis of Mental Health Symptoms in Primary School Children: Exploring Associations with School Attendance ProblemsOpenSchool Mental Health
McNally, S., Share, M., Murray, A.2014Prevalence and predictors of grandparent childcare in Ireland: Findings from a nationally representative sample of infants and their families.OpenChild Care in Practice
McGinnity, F., McMullin, P., Murray, A., Russell, H.2017Social inequality in cognitive outcomes in Ireland: What is the role of the home learning environment and childcare?OpenChildcare, Early Education and Social Inequality: An International Perspective
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