External Publications Using GUI Data
Authors | Year | Title | Link | Journal/Book | Abstract ↑ |
Brennan, M., Cavallaro, M., Mongan, D., Doyle, A., Millar, S., Zgaga, L., Smyth, B., Nixon, E., Ivors, J., Galvin, B., Walsh, C., McCrory, C., McCarthy, N. | 2025 | Factors Associated With Cocaine Use at 17 and 20 Years Old: A Longitudinal Analysis of a Nationally Representative Cohort | Open | Journal of Adolescent Health | |
Purpose Methods Results Discussion | |||||
Driscoll, D., Kiely, E., O’Keeffe, L.M., Khashan, A.S. | 2024 | Household energy poverty and trajectories of emotional and behavioural difficulties in children and adolescents: findings from two prospective cohort studies | Open | Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology | |
Purpose Methods Results Conclusions | |||||
Darmody, M., Smyth, E. | 2016 | Primary School Principals' Job Satisfaction and Occupational Stress | Open | International Journal of Educational Management | |
Purpose Design/methodology/approach Findings Research limitations/implications Originality/value Keywords | |||||
Culloty, A.M., O'Toole, C., Gibbon, F.E. | 2019 | Longitudinal Study of Expressive Language and Speech of Twins at 3 and 5 years: Outgrowing a Twinning Effect | Open | Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research | |
Purpose Method Results Conclusions | |||||
Khalaf, S.Y., O'Neill, S.M., O'Keeffe, L.M., Henriksen, T.B., Kenny, L., Cryan, J.F., Khashan, A.S. | 2015 | The impact of obstetric mode of delivery on childhood behaviour | Open | Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology | |
Purpose Methods Results Conclusions | |||||
Crowe, M., O'Sullivan, M., Cassetti, O., O'Sullivan, A. | 2020 | Estimation and consumption pattern for free sugar intake in 3-year-old Irish preschool children | Open | European Journal of Nutrition | |
Purposes Methods Results Conclusions | |||||
Crowe, M., O’Sullivan, M., Cassetti, O., O’Sullivan, A. | 2020 | Estimation and consumption pattern of free sugar intake in 3-year-old Irish preschool children | Open | European Journal of Nutrition volume | |
Purposes Methods Results Conclusions | |||||
Thornton, M., Darmody, M., McCoy, S. | 2013 | Persistent absenteeism among Irish primary school pupils | Open | Educational Review | |
A growing number of international studies document the importance of regular school attendance. There is a consensus among authors that absenteeism has negative implications for academic achievement as well as the social development of the child and may put them at a disadvantage in terms of their position in the education and labour market. Most of the existing studies have focused on school absenteeism among adolescents with studies on poor school attendance among young children relatively rare. This paper addresses this gap in research by exploring factors that are related to school absenteeism in Irish primary schools. Drawing on a nationally representative study of nine-year-olds, it demonstrates the complexity of the issue. The findings indicate that a combination of institutional and individual factors shape patterns of poor school attendance in Irish primary schools. While the data relate to the Irish situation, the paper raises a number of issues of interest to an international audience. Keywords | |||||
Hannan, C., Halpin, B. | 2014 | The Influence of Family Structure on Child Outcomes: Evidence for Ireland | Open | Economic And Social Review | |
A large body of international literature has documented a correlation between nontraditional family structure and poorer child outcomes, yet researchers continue to disagree as to whether the association represents a true causal effect. This article extends this literature by employing propensity score matching using the first wave of data from the Growing up in Ireland child cohort study. We argue that the Irish case is of particular interest given the highly selective nature of non-marriage. We find that, on average, non-marriage has negative effects on a child educational development at age 9 but the effects are smaller in relation to health outcomes and the child’s self-concept. However, selection effects account for a non-trivial proportion of the differences in child outcomes across lone-mother and cohabiting families although hidden bias remains an important issue. This has important implications for policies which promote marriage as the key to child development as it appears that much of the benefits of marriage are not related to marriage per se but to the socio-economic background of mothers. | |||||
Crowe, M., O'Sullivan, M., Cassetti, O., O'Sullivan, A. | 2017 | Weight status and dental problems in early childhood: Classifcation tree analysis of a national cohort | Open | Dentistry Journal | |
A poor quality diet may be a common risk factor for both obesity and dental problems such as caries. The aim of this paper is to use classification tree analysis (CTA) to identify predictors of dental problems in a nationally representative cohort of Irish pre-school children. CTA was used to classify variables and describe interactions between multiple variables including socio-demographics, dietary intake, health-related behaviour, body mass index (BMI) and a dental problem. Data were derived from the second (2010/2011) wave of the ‘Growing Up in Ireland’ study (GUI) infant cohort at 3 years, n = 9793. The prevalence of dental problems was 5.0% (n = 493). The CTA model showed a sensitivity of 67% and specificity of 58.5% and overall correctly classified 59% of children. Ethnicity was the most significant predictor of dental problems followed by longstanding illness or disability, mother’s BMI and household income. The highest prevalence of dental problems was among children who were obese or underweight with a longstanding illness and an overweight mother. Frequency of intake of some foods showed interactions with the target variable. Results from this research highlight the interconnectedness of weight status, dental problems and general health and reinforce the importance of adopting a common risk factor approach when dealing with prevention of these diseases. Keywords: body mass index; diet; dental problem; classification tree | |||||
Casey, A., Layte, R., Lyons, S., Silles, M. | 2012 | Home computer use and academic performance of nine-year-olds | Open | Oxford Review of Education | |
A recent rise in home computer ownership has seen a growing number of children using computers and accessing the internet from a younger age. This paper examines the link between children’s home computing and their academic performance in the areas of reading and mathematics. Data from the nine-year-old cohort of the Growing Up in Ireland survey is adopted for this study. The survey reveals that searching for information is a more popular activity among the children than communicating online. Through regression analysis we find that using a computer is positively and significantly associated with children’s reading and mathematics scores in standardised tests. This result holds after controlling for multiple determinants of school performance. In addition, we investigate the effects of using various applications on the computer. Surfing the internet for fun, doing projects for school and emailing are associated with higher reading and maths test scores, while those who are permitted to use the computer unsupervised tend to have higher maths test scores. Instant messaging and downloading music or watching movies are negatively associated with both reading and maths scores. The results indicate that some forms of early computer use have significant associations with academic performance among children in primary school, although we could not establish the direction of causation definitively. Keywords: home computer use, elementary education, academic performance | |||||
O’Connell, M., Marks, G. | 2023 | Why are students attending fee-charging second-level schools in Ireland more likely to progress to high-demand university degree courses? Evidence from the Growing Up in Ireland longitudinal survey | Open | Irish Educational Studies | |
A small minority of Irish students attend fee-charging second-level schools. However, media analyses of the backgrounds of those students who go on to more sought-after tertiary educational institutions or degree courses suggest that a disproportionate number of them were attendees at fee-charging schools. There are a few reasons why this might be the case. In this analysis, the longitudinal data points of the Growing Up in Ireland (GUI) study are exploited to weigh up the evidence behind differing explanations. An estimated measure of Leaving Certificate success was generated for 3105 participants in wave 4 of the GUI. From waves 1 and 2, the ability of those participants was calculated based on their performance in several standardised tests taken prior to attending second-level school. The analysis found that while the students who attended fee-charging schools were about 9% ahead in Leaving Certificate performance, they had roughly the same lead in measured ability on entry into the second-level schools. The analysis found a significant but marginal positive effect on attending private schools. This result is in line with the general international findings. Ireland’s hybrid funding structure for fee-paying schools is discussed. Gender and household income effects were noted. Keywords | |||||
Swift, A., McConkey, R., Curry, P., Garcia Iriarte, E. | 2021 | Social-Emotional Difficulties in Irish Children Aged Five and Nine Years: A National, Longitudinal Study | Open | Children | |
A small proportion of children experience social-emotional difficulties from early childhood onwards. Longitudinal studies with nationally representative samples are needed to identify the prevalence and the characteristics of children and families persistently experiencing these difficulties. Secondary analysis of data collected on over 7500 Irish children and with the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire as the primary indicator, found that 6% of children when they were five year olds and 8% when they were nine-years, had above threshold scores that warranted further investigation. A smaller proportion—2.9% had elevated scores at both ages. Logistic regression analyses found that children with one or more developmental disabilities were up to six times more likely to have sustained difficulties. There were also significant associations with the lower education attainment of primary caregivers and the socio-economic deprivation of families. Primary caregivers and teachers reported higher conflict in their relationships with these children. Although the number of Irish children presenting with continuing social-emotional difficulties is small, they can present an ongoing and future societal cost in terms of the impact on family relations and demands placed on educational, health and social services. This study identified the children and families who are at greatest risk and for whom targeted early intervention services could be provided. | |||||
McAvoy, H., Kabir, Z., Reulbach, U., McDaid, O., Metcalfe, O., Clancy, L. | 2013 | A Tobacco-Free Future – an all-island report on tobacco, inequalities and childhood. | Open | Institute of Public Health / TobaccoFree Research Institute Ireland | |
A Tobacco-Free Future – An all-island report on tobacco, inequalities and childhood 2013 reveals declines in smoking rates among both children and pregnant women over the past decade, both North and South of the border. This report published by the Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH) and the TobaccoFree Research Institute Ireland (TFRI), shows that while tobacco control measures are being successful, disadvantaged children are at particular risk of tobacco-related harms. Children growing up in disadvantaged circumstances face a number of threats to their health and development. Protecting children from the burden of tobacco related harm from both active and passive smoking is a priority action in enhancing population health and reducing health inequalities. Population health strategies on the island of Ireland are increasingly focussing on addressing the root causes of health inequality through social determinants of health approaches and through focussing on early childhood as a key period for intervention. At the same time, governments in both jurisdictions are working to enhance their approaches to effective tobacco control. The World Health Organization considers that there are three key ‘windows of exposure’ in terms of tobacco-related harm in childhood – in the womb (associated with active or passive smoking by the mother), directly through children taking up smoking and through exposure to second hand smoke (SHS) in indoor and outdoor environments. This report presents findings on these three windows of exposure based on a range of data sources in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. The central aim of the report is to contribute to knowledge on the exposure of children to the harmful effects of tobacco smoke at various stages of their development. The findings of the report can support policy makers and service providers in their efforts to make tobacco-free childhoods a reality on the island of Ireland. | |||||
Nolan, A., Smyth, E. | 2024 | Sexual health literacy and sexual health behaviours among young adults in Ireland | Open | ESRI Research Series 200 | |
Adolescence and young adulthood are critical periods in the development of healthy sexual health and relationships, as patterns of behaviour that develop during these life stages shape outcomes throughout the life course. Recent rises in notifications of certain sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among young people in Ireland have raised concerns over the extent to which young people have the skills and information to make healthy choices in relation to their sexual health and wellbeing. In this context, sexual health literacy – i.e., the degree to which individuals have the ability to find, understand and use information and services to inform decisions and actions – is a key protective factor for the prevention of negative sexual health outcomes and for allowing young people to be more in control of their own sexual and reproductive health. In this report, we used data from Cohort ’98 of Growing Up in Ireland, the national longitudinal study of children and young people in Ireland, to examine the factors associated with sexual health literacy among young adults, and how sexual health literacy is associated with sexual health behaviours (i.e., condom and contraception use). The Growing Up in Ireland data on sexual health literacy were collected in 2018 when the young people were 20 years of age, and the measure of sexual health literacy was based on answers to two questions that gauged knowledge of female fertility and STI prevention methods. | |||||
Hadfield, K., Nixon, E. | 2012 | Comparison of relationship dynamics within stepmother and stepfather families in Ireland | Open | The Irish Journal of Psychology | |
Although an increasing proportion of people in Ireland are living in stepfamilies, little research has explored the dynamics within these families. Drawing on data from the Growing Up in Ireland (GUI) study (9-year-old cohort), this paper aims to compare family processes within stepmother (n=89) and stepfather families (n=295). No stepfathers were primary caregivers to their stepchild(ren), whereas stepmothers tended to assume this role. Stepmothers were less romantically happy than either stepfathers or biological mothers in stepfather families and experienced more interparental conflict than stepfathers. They also had less close and more conflicted relationships with their stepchild(ren) than mothers in stepfather families. These findings are in line with previous research and point to the applicability of international research to stepfamilies in Ireland. The findings suggest that stepmother families may face particular challenges and may benefit from parenting and relationship support. | |||||
Dempsey, C., Devine, R., Symonds, J., Sloan, S., Hughes, C. | 2024 | Interacting adult-child relationships and school adjustment: Findings from growing up in Ireland | Open | Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology | |
Although children’s relationships with their parents and teachers contribute to their school adjustment and achievement, few studies have examined interactions between these relationships, particularly for father-child relationships. Using the Growing Up in Ireland birth cohort (N = 7507, 50.3% male), we examined child-adult relationship quality – rated by parents at age 3 and by teachers at age 5 – as predictors of teacher-rated behavioural adjustment and academic achievement at age 9 (indexed by self-reported academic self-concepts and performance on formal reading assessments). Controlling for prior levels of problem behaviours, verbal ability, and family SES, our results indicated that children’s relationships with parents and teachers showed small and comparable independent effects on school adjustment and achievement. For mothers and teachers, moderation analyses showed a cumulative risk pattern for conflictual relationships and a compensatory pattern for close relationships. Children are likely to benefit from improving closeness and reducing conflict in adult-child relationships as well as interventions that involve mothers, fathers, and teachers. | |||||
Sharpe, J., Bunting, B., Heary, C. | 2023 | A Latent Class Analysis of Mental Health Symptoms in Primary School Children: Exploring Associations with School Attendance Problems | Open | School Mental Health | |
Although there is a wealth of research addressing the association between mental health and school absenteeism, there are calls for a better understanding of how mental health difficulties might predict SAPs (Egger et al., 2003; Finning et al., 2022; Ingul et al., 2019; Wood et al., 2012). The aim of this paper was to create a more nuanced understanding of SAPs by exploring how different constellations of mental health difficulties might be predictive of absenteeism in 9-year-olds. Using a sample of Irish 9-year-olds (N = 8570) from the Growing Up In Ireland Study (GUI’98), the research used latent class analysis (LCA) to identify combinations of mental health symptoms. Twenty items from the Strengths and Difficulty Questionnaire (SDQ) were used to measure a range of emotional and behavioural difficulties. The analysis yielded four mental health classes—High Risk of Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties (EBD), High Risk of Emotional Difficulties (ED), High Risk of Behavioural Difficulties (BD) and Low Risk of Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties (EBD). The study assessed whether rates of student absenteeism varied across different classes of mental health as identified through LCA and explored risk factors associated with different classes. Children in the high-risk mental health symptomology groups had significantly higher odds of absenteeism compared to the low-risk class and significantly greater odds of experiencing multiple family, school and demographic risk factors. The distinct profiles of mental health symptoms observed within the classes and their patterns of associations with risk factors and days absent indicated classes were theoretically distinct. The results illustrate the importance of recognising the relationship between mental health and school absenteeism in primary school children when developing early intervention strategies for SAPs. As one of the few studies to focus on 9-year-olds, the current study contributes to current knowledge on the complexities of emerging SAPs in primary school children. Keywords | |||||
McNally, S., Share, M., Murray, A. | 2014 | Prevalence and predictors of grandparent childcare in Ireland: Findings from a nationally representative sample of infants and their families. | Open | Child Care in Practice | |
Anecdotal evidence suggests that grandparents provide a substantial amount of childcare support to parents of infants in Ireland yet there has been little attention to the provision of grandparent childcare at policy level. Using nationally representative data on childcare provision in the Republic of Ireland, this study examined the prevalence of grandparent childcare provision for very young children, and associations between this choice of childcare and key infant, family, and community factors. Using archived data from the Infant Cohort of the Growing Up in Ireland study, descriptive data regarding use of grandparents as childcare providers were outlined. A series of bivariate analyses were then conducted to examine the independent association between a range of infant, family, and community variables and use of grandparent childcare. Finally, a multivariate analysis using binomial logistic regression was used to examine the association of each of these variables in a fully adjusted model. The results show that 38.6% of infants experienced non-parental childcare: 12.4% were looked after by grandparents, 15.7% by other home-based carers and 10.5% in childcare centres such as crèches. Grandparents were the cheapest source of childcare but also provided fewer hours on average. Multivariate analysis indicated the importance of parental income, age, and education in choosing grandparental childcare, with younger, less well-off parents using grandparent childcare more than any other type of childcare. The findings suggest that, whether by choice or by economic pressure, grandparents represent a huge resource in terms of providing childcare for infants. Current childcare policy needs to be cognisant of the significant contribution of grandparents in helping families with young children participate in the labour force. Constraints on the amount of care grandparents are able to provide may have knock-on constraints for parents’ participation in the labour force and earnings. Keywords | |||||
McGinnity, F., McMullin, P., Murray, A., Russell, H. | 2017 | Social inequality in cognitive outcomes in Ireland: What is the role of the home learning environment and childcare? | Open | Childcare, Early Education and Social Inequality: An International Perspective | |
Both psychological and sociological accounts have suggested that the home learning environment play an important role in children’s cognitive development and may provide insights into inequalities in cognitive outcomes. Using the infant cohort of the Growing Up in Ireland Study (GUI), this chapter investigates firstly if differences in the home learning environment at age three helps to explain the social gradient in childhood cognitive outcomes, measured as expressive vocabulary, at age five; and second, can childcare outside the home compensate for a poor home learning environment? Home learning environment is measured as the number of children’s books in the home and a combined index of parental activities with the child that includes reading, crafts and games. A rich home learning environment at age 3 is associated with higher vocabulary scores at age 5 years for all children. The children of lower educated parents tend to live in poorer home learning environments, and this partly explains their lower vocabulary scores at age 5. The chapter also provides some evidence that centre-based childcare was associated with an increase in vocabulary score for children from poor home learning environments. However, this effect is very small and only slightly reduces the gap in vocabulary scores between children from a rich and poor home learning environment. |