External Publications Using GUI Data

Authors Year Title Link Journal/Book Abstract ↑
Darmody, M., Smyth, E.2017Profile of second-level students exempt from studying IrishOpenESRI Working Paper No.527
Dominguez Castro, P., Layte, R., Kearney, J.2014Ethnic variation in breastfeeding and complimentary feeding in the Republic of Ireland.OpenNutrients.
Reinhard, E., Layte, R., McCrory, C., Panico, L., Avendano, M.2018Great Recession and the Health of Young Children: A Fixed Effects Analysis in IrelandOpenAmerican Journal of Epidemiology
Smyth, E.2018Shaping educational expectations: the perspectives of 13-year-olds and their parentsOpenEducational Review
Gibbons, R.A., Sprong, S., Chzhen, Y.2023Growing Up in the Great Recession: The Effects of Three Dimensions of Economic Well-being on Child Behavioral Difficulties from Ages 3 to 17OpenJournal of Youth and Adolescence
Gallagher, S., Hannigan, A.2015Child problem behaviours are associated with obesity in parents caring for children with developmental disabilities.OpenResearch in Developmental Disabilities
Gallagher, S., Hannigan, A.2014Depression and chronic health conditions in parents of children with and without developmental disabilities: The growing up in Ireland cohort studyOpenResearch in Developmental Disabilities
Egan, S., Beatty, C.2020The Role of Screen Time and Screen Activity in the Nonverbal Reasoning of 5-Year-Olds: Cross-Sectional Findings from a Large Birth Cohort StudyOpenCyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking
Ng, K., Healy, S., O’Brien, W., Rodriguez, L., Murphy, M., Carlin, A.2023Irish Para Report Card on Physical Activity of Children and Adolescents With DisabilitiesOpenAdapted Physical Activity Quarterly
O'Reilly, C., Quayle, M.2021Gender inequalities in time spent doing housework by children in Ireland: A nationally representative sample across two time pointsOpenInfant and Child Development
McGinnity, F., McMullin, P., Murray, A., Russell, H, Smyth, E.2022Understanding differences in children’s reading ability by social origin and gender: The role of parental reading and pre- and primary school exposure in IrelandOpenResearch in Social Stratification and Mobility
McNamara, E., Murray, A., Williams, J.2019Study Profile: Growing Up in IrelandOpenLongitudinal and Life Course Studies
Kelly, L., Murray, A., Quail, A., McNamara, E.2022Adaptations to a cohort study in response to the COVID-19 pandemic: insights from Growing Up in IrelandOpenLongitudinal and Life Course Studies
Thais de Mello, G., Bertuol, C., et al.2023A systematic review of the clustering and correlates of physical activity and sedentary behavior among boys and girlsOpenBMC Public Health
Watson, D., Whelan, C.T., Maître, B., Williams, J.2015Family Economic Vulnerability and the Great Recession: an Analysis of the First Two Waves of the Growing Up in Ireland StudyOpenLongitudinal and Life Course Studies
Healy, S., Patterson, F., Williams, E., Lozano, A.J., Hanlon, A., Obrusnikova, I.2020Rethinking daily movement behaviours of children with autism spectrum disorder: meeting the 24-hour movement guidelinesOpenEuropean Journal of Adapted Physical Activity
McConkey, R., Swift, A., Titterington, J.2021Changes in Children’s Speech and Language Difficulties from Age Five to Nine: An Irish National, Longitudinal StudyOpenEnvironmental Research and Public Health
D'Urso, G., Symonds, J., Pace, U.2020Positive Youth Development and Being Bullied in Early Adolescence: A Sociocultural Analysis of National Cohort DataOpenThe Journal of Early Adolescence
Nolan, A., Layte, R.2014Socio-economic inequalities in child health in Ireland.OpenEconomic and Social Review
Williams, J., Murray, A., Whelan, C.T.2014Multi-Dimensional Deprivation Among 9-Year-Olds in Ireland: An Analysis of the Growing Up in Ireland SurveyOpenChild Indicators Research