External Publications Using GUI Data

Authors Year Title Link Journal/Book ↑ Abstract
McAvoy, H., Kabir, Z., Reulbach, U., McDaid, O., Metcalfe, O., Clancy, L.2013A Tobacco-Free Future – an all-island report on tobacco, inequalities and childhood.OpenInstitute of Public Health / TobaccoFree Research Institute Ireland
O'Connell, M., Marks, G.N.2021Are the effects of intelligence on student achievement and well-being largely functions of family income and social class? Evidence from a longitudinal study of Irish adolescentsOpenIntelligence
Mohan, G.2023Characteristics and behaviours of young people who meet online contacts face-to-faceOpenInternational Journal of Adolescence and Youth
Bradshaw, D., Creaven, A.M., Muldoon, O.T.2021Parental incarceration affects children’s emotional and behavioral outcomes: A longitudinal cohort study of children aged 9 to 13 yearsOpenInternational Journal of Behavioural Development
Devitt, A., Condon, J., Dalton, G., O'Connell, J., Ní Dhuinn, M.2018An mhaith leat an Ghaeilge? An analysis of variation in primary pupil attitudes to Irish in the growing up in Ireland studyOpenInternational Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism
D’Urso, G., Caravita, S.C., Symonds, J.2024Bullying Victimization as an Adverse Experience for Psychosocial Adjustment among Irish AdolescentsOpenInternational Journal of Bullying Prevention
Darmody, M., Smyth, E.2016Primary School Principals' Job Satisfaction and Occupational StressOpenInternational Journal of Educational Management
Shiely, F., Ng, H.Y., Berkery, E.M., Murrin, C., Kelleher, C., Hayes, K.2017The association between weight perception and BMI: Report and measurement data from the growing up in Ireland cohort study of 9 year oldsOpenInternational Journal of Obesity
Layte, R., Bennett, A., McCrory, C., Kearney, J.M.2014Social class variation in the predictors of rapid growth in infancy and obesity at age three years.OpenInternational Journal of Obesity
Robinson, E., Daly, M., Sutin, A.2020Association of parental identification of child overweight and mental health problems during childhoodOpenInternational Journal of Obesity volume
McCoy, S., Lyons, S.2018Digital technologies and student learningOpenIreland's Yearbook of Education 2018/2019
Mihut, G., McCoy, S.2021Growing Up in Ireland: Insights on inclusion in schoolsOpenIreland's Yearbook of Education 2019/2020
Kent, G., Pitsia, V.2018A comparison of home learning environment of families at risk of socio-economic disadvantage to national norms in IrelandOpenIrish Educational Studies
McCoy, S., Quail, A., Smyth, E.2014The Effects of School Social Mix: Unpacking the DifferencesOpenIrish Educational Studies
McCoy, S., Banks, J., Shevlin, M.2012School matters: How context influences the identification of different types of special educational needsOpenIrish Educational Studies
Carroll, E., Keyu, Y., McCoy, S.2022Educationally maintained inequality? The role of risk factors and resilience at 9, 13 and 17 in disabled young people's post-school pathways at 20OpenIrish Educational Studies
O’Connell, M., Marks, G.2023Why are students attending fee-charging second-level schools in Ireland more likely to progress to high-demand university degree courses? Evidence from the Growing Up in Ireland longitudinal surveyOpenIrish Educational Studies
Share, M., Kerrins, L.2009The Role of Grandparents in Childcare in Ireland: Towards a Research AgendaOpenIrish Journal of Applied Social Studies
Murray, A.2014Biological risk versus socio-economic advantage: low birth-weight, multiple births and income variations among Irish infants born following fertility treatments.OpenIrish Journal of Medical Science
Fitzpatrick, M.P., Hennigan, K., O'Gorman, C.S., McCarron, L.2019Obesity, diet and lifestyle in 9-year-old children with parentally reported chronic diseases: findings from the Growing Up in Ireland longitudinal child cohort studyOpenIrish Journal of Medical Science