External Publications Using GUI Data

Authors Year Title Link ↑ Journal/Book Abstract
Smyth, E.2016Social relationships and the transition to secondary schoolOpenThe Economic and Social Review
Watson, D., Whelan, C.T., Maître, B., Williams, J.2016Socio-economic variation in the impact of the Irish recession on the experience of economic stress among familiesOpenEconomic and Social Review
Banks, J., McCoy, S.2011A Study on the Prevalence of Special Educational NeedsOpenNational Council for Special Education Research, Report No.9
Smyth, E.2020Arts and cultural participation among 17-year-oldsOpenESRI Research Series 103
Smyth, E., Darmody, M.2016Attitudes to Irish as a School Subject among 13-year-oldsOpenESRI Working Paper
Darmody, M., Daly, T.2017Attitudes towards the Irish Language on the Island of IrelandOpenForas na Gaeilge
Russell, H., Smyth, E.2024Caregiving among Young Adults in IrelandOpenESRI Research Series 168
Fahey, T., Curran, M.2016Children and Families, Then & NowOpenCherishing All the Children Equally? Children in Ireland 100 Years on from the Easter Rising
Layte, R., McCrory, C.2016Social Variation in Child Health & Development: A Life-course ApproachOpenCherishing All the Children Equally? Children in Ireland 100 Years on from the Easter Rising
Layte, R., Nolan, A.2016Child Access to GP Services: Do User Fees Matter?OpenCherishing All the Children Equally? Children in Ireland 100 Years on from the Easter Rising
Watson, D., Maître, B., Whelan, C.T., Williams, J.2017Child poverty in a period of austerityOpenDebating austerity in Ireland: crisis, experience and recovery
Laurence, J., Smyth, E.2023Civic and political engagement among young adults in IrelandOpenESRI Research Series No.171
Nolan, A., Smyth, E.2020Clusters of health behaviours among young adults in IrelandOpenESRI Research Series 101
Murray, A.2011Cultural differences in parenting practices.OpenESRI Research Bulletin No. 2010/04/04.
McCoy, S., Lyons, S.2018Digital technologies and student learningOpenIreland's Yearbook of Education 2018/2019
McCoy, S., Carroll, E., Ye, K.2024‘Embracing Diversity in all its Forms’: The Voluntary Secondary Sector in Irish EducationOpenESRI Research Series 182
Timmons, S., Carroll, E., McGinnity, F.2023Experimental tests of public support for disability policyOpenESRI Research Series 159
Thornton, M.2012Family structure in Ireland and child emotional and behavioral outcomes.OpenChild and Adolescent Mental Health
Murray, A.2017Growing Up in Ireland and longitudinal research on educational transitionsOpenInklusive Übergänge: (Inter)nationale Perspektiven auf Inklusionim Übergang von der Schule in weitere Bildung, Ausbildung oder Beschäftigung
Laurence, J., Russell, H., Smyth, E.2023Housing adequacy and child outcomes in early and middle childhoodOpenESRI Research Series 154