Growing Up in Ireland – the National Longitudinal Study of Children, held its tenth annual research conference on Thursday 8th November 2018 in the Gibson Hotel in Dublin’s docklands area.
The conference focused on research based on Growing Up in Ireland (GUI) data, and also included the launch of the latest key findings on the Infant Cohort/Cohort’08 at 9 years by Minister Katherine Zappone.
An updated programme (6/11/18) is available here. The book of abstracts is also available to download.
The Keynote address at this year’s conference was delivered by Professor Ingrid Schoon who holds the Chair of Human Development and Social Policy at the Institute of Education, University College London, is a Research Professor at the Social Science Centre in Berlin.
She has published widely, including a monograph on ‘Risk and Resilience’ (2006), co-edited books on ‘Transitions from School to Work: Globalisation, Individualisation, and Patterns of Diversity (2009) with Rainer K. Silbereisen, ‘ Gender differences in aspirations and attainment: A longitudinal perspective’ (2014) with Jacquelynne Eccles, and ‘ Young People’s Development and the Great Recession: Uncertain Transitions and Precarious Futures’ (2017) with John Bynner – all published by Cambridge University Press, and a book on ‘Pathways to Adulthood’ with Rainer Silbereisen with UCL IoE Press.
In total, 23 papers using GUI data were presented at the conference, along with an introductory launch presentation, a keynote address and a policy session. The majority of the conference presentations have been made available online; links to these individual presentations can be found below.
*please note that due to a late change in the schedule, Emer Scott moved from Session I to Session A, replacing Elizabeth Doyle.
Launch Presentation
Key Findings on the Lives of 9-year-olds in 2017/2018
Dorothy Watson (ESRI) – watch a video of Dorothy summarising the key findings below
Keynote Address
Navigating the transition to adulthood: The role of structure and agency
Ingrid Schoon (University College London)
Session A
The relationship between emerging self-concept and adolescent psychotic experiences
Colm Healy (RCSI), Helen Coughlan (RCSI), James Williams (ESRI), Mary Clarke (RCSI), Ian Kelleher (RCSI), Mary Cannon (RCSI)
Childhood personality, psychological traits and weight status over time
Emer Scott (UCD)
Session B
Decision-making about higher education: Choosing an institution
Emer Smyth (ESRI), Daráine Murphy (ESRI)
Measurements of cognition at age 17 years: verbal fluency versus traditional vocabulary
Aisling Murray (ESRI) – watch Aisling give a one-minute summary
Session C
Maternal health behaviours of non-Irish nationals during pregnancy and the effect of acculturation
Rachel Palmer (DIT, TCD), Richard Layte (ESRI, TCD), John Kearney (DIT)
The impact of prescription drug co-payments on healthcare utilisation and health
Gretta Mohan (ESRI, TCD), Anne Nolan (ESRI, TCD)
Session D
Dorothy Watson (ESRI)
Building the Gap between Research and Policy
Claire Finn (DCYA)
NDA: research to policy and back again
Grainne Collins (NDA), Dharragh Hunt (NDA)
Session E
A latent growth curve model of the relationship between computer usage and academic performance
Desmond O’Mahony (ESRI) – watch Des give a two-minute summary of his paper here
Screen time versus screen type: The impact of screen engagement on cognitive development
Chloé Beatty (University of Limerick), Suzanne M. Egan (University of Limerick)
Streets ahead: Findings on outdoor play from the Growing Up in Ireland study
Suzanne M. Egan (University of Limerick), Jennifer Pope (University of Limerick)
Session F
Ailbhe Booth (UCD), Orla Doyle (UCD), Eilis Hennessy (UCD)
Clara Hoyne (University of Limerick), Suzanne M. Egan (University of Limerick)
Aileen Wright (University of Limerick), Michelle O’Donoghue (University of Limerick)
Session G
Cross-cohort comparisons of socioemotional well-being: Ireland, Scotland and New Zealand
James Williams (ESRI), Paul Bradshaw (Growing up in Scotland), Patty Doran (University of Manchester), Susan Morton (Growing Up in New Zealand)
The impact of early life stress on the persistence of psychotic like experiences in adolescence
Daráine Murphy (ESRI), Colm Healy (RCSI), Mary Cannon (RCSI)
Niamh Dhondt (RCSI), Colm Healy (RCSI), Mary Clarke (RCSI), Mary Cannon (RCSI)
Exposure to adverse home experiences and children’s social competencies in peer relations
Sarah-Rose Whelan (TCD), Nicola Dalrymple (TCD), Lorraine Swords (TCD)
Session H
Partnership dissolution after childbirth in Ireland: On the importance of pregnancy intentions
Thorsten Schneider (University of Leipzig)
Mothers’ employment and the cost of childcare in Ireland
Helen Russell (ESRI), Frances McGinnity (ESRI), Seamus McGuinness (ESRI)
Large family, poor family? A comparative profile of children’s material resources in the modern large family & implications for social policy
Megan Curran (UCD)
Psychological resilience during the Irish recession: Evidence from the Growing Up in Ireland study
Lee-Ann Burke (UCC)
Session I
Physical activity parenting and implications for future interventions
Rhoda Sohun (University of Limerick), Ciarán MacDonncha (UL), Ann MacPhail (UL)
Tracking the physical activity levels of the Growing Up in Ireland child cohort over eight years
Eoin McNamara (ESRI) – watch Eoin give a short summary below
Cross-generational trajectories in weight gain in Ireland
Mark McGovern (Queen’s University), Slawa Rokicki (UCD)
Enquiries should be sent to growingup@equality.ie.