Conference: Health Systems in the Era of Austerity

…the European Observatory on Health Systems and Deputy Director of the Observatory’s LSE hub. Download Presentation 12.15 Questions/Discussion 12.45 Closing Words: Department of Health Download the Programme below. Download Programme…

Budget Perspectives 2018

…Macroeconomic Challenges Martina Lawless (ESRI) Download presentation Gabriel Fagan (Central Bank of Ireland) John McHale (NUIG) Download presentation   10:15 Discussion   10:30 Tea/Coffee Break Session 2 Chair: Alan Barrett,…

Budget Perspectives Conference

…Kieran McQuinn (ESRI) Download Presentation 09.40 Current Macroeconomic Issues: Panel John McHale (Chairman, IFAC) Download Presentation Dan O’Brien (Chief Economist, IIEA) Download Presentation Graham Stull (EU Commission) Download Presentation 10.10…

Klimaschäden und Klimaverhandlungen

Climate damage and climate negotiations:At the world climate summit at the beginning of December, an important round of negotiations in the battle against climate change will begin. However, the chances…

Conference: Monitoring Migrant Integration

…2012 Dr Frances McGinnity (ESRI) Download Presentation Experience of Migrant Integration in Ireland: Challenges and policy responses Killian Forde (The Integration Centre) Download Presentation Q&A 10.40 Coffee 11.00 Session II:…