EMN Ireland Conference: Responding to the Refugee Crisis

…Ireland Download presentation Responding to the EU refugee ‘crisis’: Reform of the Common European Asylum System and enhanced external engagement Stephen Ryan, Asylum Unit, DG Migration and Home Affairs, European…

Growing Up in Ireland Data Workshop

…surveys and official statistics (such as the Census) and makes them readily available to users in the academic, public and commercial sectors. More details on ISSDA are available at http://www.ucd.ie/issda…

‘Growing Up in Ireland’ Data Workshop

…surveys and official statistics (such as the Census) and makes them readily available to users in the academic, public and commercial sectors. More details on ISSDA are available at http://www.ucd.ie/issda…

GUI Mini Conferences (2013)

…available to download. (click here to view) A total of 5 papers were presented at the conference on policy relevant issues around children.   Informing Policy through Research and Evidence:…

Budget Perspectives 2017

…Macroeconomic Context for Budget 2017 Download David Duffy and Kieran McQuinn (ESRI) 09.45 Challenges on the Path to Universal Healthcare in Ireland Download Panel: Maev-Ann Wren (ESRI), Sheelagh Connolly, Nathan…

Behavioural Science with Mass Transaction Data

…SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3000526) We study how individuals repay their debt using linked data on multiple credit cards from five major issuers. We find that individuals do not allocate repayments to the…

Growing Up in Ireland Data Workshop November 2013

…surveys and official statistics (such as the Census) and makes them readily available to users in the academic, public and commercial sectors. More details on ISSDA are available at http://www.ucd.ie/issda….