External Publications Using GUI Data

Authors Year Title Link Journal/Book Abstract ↑
Franz, K., Kelly, M.2021The Behavioural Outcomes of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Other Developmental Disabilities as Perceived by Parents during the COVID-19 LockdownOpenDisabilities
Doran, P., Bradshaw, P., Morton, S., El-Shadan, T., Williams, J., Cunningham, C.2020Growing up Healthy in Families Across the Globe: Cross-Cultural Harmonisation of Childhood Risk-Factors Using Longitudinal Studies from Ireland, Scotland and New ZealandOpenChild Indicators Research
Murray, A.2014Biological risk versus socio-economic advantage: low birth-weight, multiple births and income variations among Irish infants born following fertility treatments.OpenIrish Journal of Medical Science
Briody, J.2021Parental unemployment during the Great Recession and childhood adiposityOpenSocial Science & Medicine
Banks, J., McCoy, S.2011A Study on the Prevalence of Special Educational NeedsOpenNational Council for Special Education Research, Report No.9
Ceatha, N., Koay, A. C. C., Kelly, A., Killeen, T., McCabe, K., Murray, J., Pope, J., Scully, N., Buggy, C., Crowley, D.2023LGBT+ Youth Perspectives on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Questions in the Growing Up in Ireland Survey: A Qualitative StudyOpenYouth
Mohan, G.2023Characteristics and behaviours of young people who meet online contacts face-to-faceOpenInternational Journal of Adolescence and Youth
McCoy, S., Carroll, E., Ye, K.2024‘Embracing Diversity in all its Forms’: The Voluntary Secondary Sector in Irish EducationOpenESRI Research Series 182
Butler, M.I., Bastiaanssen, T.F.S., Long-Smith, C.M., et al.2023The gut microbiome in social anxiety disorder: evidence of altered composition and functionOpenTranslational Psychiatry
Orben, A., Przybylski, A.K.2019Screens, teens, and psychological well-being: Evidence from three time-use-diary studiesOpenPsychological Science
Walsh, B., Cullinan, J.2015Decomposing socioeconomic inequalities in childhood obesity: evidence from IrelandOpenEconomics and Human Biology
Neville, R.D., Nelson, M.A., Madigan, S., Browne, D.T., Lakes, K.D.2021Does physical activity moderate the association between screen time and psychosocial development in early childhood? Analysis of a longitudinal infant cohort study in IrelandOpenEuropean Journal of Pediatrics
Murtagh, E.M., Dempster, M., Murphy, M.H.2016Determinants of uptake and maintenance of active commuting to schoolOpenHealth & Place
O'Connell, M., Marks, G.N.2021Are the effects of intelligence on student achievement and well-being largely functions of family income and social class? Evidence from a longitudinal study of Irish adolescentsOpenIntelligence
McCrory C., Murray, A.2013The effect of breastfeeding on neuro-development in infancy.OpenMaternal and Child Health Journal
Kent, G., Pitsia, V.2018A comparison of home learning environment of families at risk of socio-economic disadvantage to national norms in IrelandOpenIrish Educational Studies
McGovern, M.2013Still Unequal at Birth: Birth Weight, Socio- economic Status and Outcomes at Age 9OpenEconomic and Social Review
Heinen, M., Murrin, C., Daly, L., et al.2014The Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative (COSI) in the Republic of Ireland: Findings from 2008, 2010 and 2012OpenThe Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative (COSI)
Kong, K.2020Academic Resilience of Pupils from Low Socioeconomic BackgroundsOpenThe Journal of Behavioral Science
Hannan, C., Halpin, B., Coleman, C.2013Growing up in a One-Parent FamilyOpenFamily Support Agency