External Publications Using GUI Data

Authors ↑ Year Title Link Journal/Book Abstract
Brick, A., Nolan, A., O’Reilly, J., Smith, S.2010Policy implications and a framework of entitlements for the Irish health‐care sector. In Framework for supporting the delivery of integrated health care in Ireland, Part 7, Chapter 15.OpenResource Allocation, Financing and Sustainability in Health Care Evidence for the Expert Group on Resource Allocation and Financing in the Health Sector
Briody, J.2021Parental unemployment during the Great Recession and childhood adiposityOpenSocial Science & Medicine
Burke, L.A.2020Childhood Psychological Health During the Great Recession in IrelandOpenThe Economic and Social Review
Butler, E., Clarke, M., Spirtos, M., O Keeffe, L.M., Dooley, N.2024Pregnancy complications and childhood mental health: is the association modified by sex or adverse social circumstances? Findings from the ‘growing up in Ireland’ national infant cohort studyOpenSocial Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology
Butler, M.I., Bastiaanssen, T.F.S., Long-Smith, C.M., et al.2023The gut microbiome in social anxiety disorder: evidence of altered composition and functionOpenTranslational Psychiatry
Cadogan, S.L., Keane, E., Kearney, P.M.2014The effects of individual, family and environmental factors on physical activity levels in children: a cross-sectional studyOpenBioMed Central
Carroll, E., Keyu, Y., McCoy, S.2022Educationally maintained inequality? The role of risk factors and resilience at 9, 13 and 17 in disabled young people's post-school pathways at 20OpenIrish Educational Studies
Carroll, E., McCoy, S., Mihut, G.2022Exploring cumulative disadvantage in early school leaving and planned post-school pathways among those identified with special educational needs in Irish primary schoolsOpenBritish Educational Research Journal
Casey, A., Layte, R., Lyons, S., Silles, M.2012Home computer use and academic performance of nine-year-oldsOpenOxford Review of Education
Castro, P.D., Kearney, J., Layte, R.2014A study of early complementary feeding determinants in the Republic of Ireland based on a cross-sectional analysis of the Growing Up in Ireland infant cohortOpenPublic Health Nutrition.
Ceatha, N., Gates, G. J., Crowley, D.2023LGBT+ Self-Identification Among Youth in Ireland Aged 17-18 Years: A Research BriefOpenPopulation Research and Policy Review
Ceatha, N., Koay, A. C. C., Kelly, A., Killeen, T., McCabe, K., Murray, J., Pope, J., Scully, N., Buggy, C., Crowley, D.2023LGBT+ Youth Perspectives on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Questions in the Growing Up in Ireland Survey: A Qualitative StudyOpenYouth
Cheevers, C., O’Connell, M.2013Developing an Index of Well-Being for Nine-Year-Old Irish ChildrenOpenChild Indicators Research
Conica, M., Nixon, E., Quigley, J.2022Interparental Relationship Satisfaction from Nine Months to Nine Years and Children’s Socioemotional Competencies at Nine YearsOpenJournal of Child and Family Studies
Corrigan, O.2013See how they grow: Solo and unmarried-cohabitant parenthood and crisis pregnancy in Ireland. An analysis of the Growing Up in Ireland 9-month old infant cohort dataOpenTreoir Report
Corrigan, O.2014Watch them Grow: Unmarried-cohabitant and Solo parenthood in Ireland An Analysis of the Growing Up in Ireland infant cohort data Waves 1 and 2OpenTreoir Report
Cosgrove, J., McKeown, C., Travers, J., Lysaght, Z., Ní Bhroin, O., Archer, P.2014Educational Experiences and Outcomes for Children with Special Educational Needs: A Secondary Analysis of Data from the Growing Up in Ireland Study (NCSE Research Report No. 17).OpenNCSE Research Report No.17
Cosgrove, J., McKeown, C., Travers, J., Lysaght, Z., Ní Bhroin, O., Archer, P.2018Educational Experiences and Outcomes for Children with Special Educational Needs, Phase 2 from age 9-13: A Secondary Analysis of Data from the Growing Up in Ireland Study. (NCSE Research Report No. 25).OpenNCSE Research Report No.25
Cotter, I., Healy, C., King, R., Cotter, DR., Cannon, M.2020Changes in body mass index and risk of adolescent psychopathology: a longitudinal cohort studyOpenIrish Journal of Psychological Medicine
Cotter, S., Healy, C., Ní Cathain, D., Williams, P., Clarke, M., Cannon, M.2019Psychopathology and early life stress in migrant youths: an analysis of the 'Growing Up in Ireland' studyOpenIrish Journal of Psychological Medicine