External Publications Using GUI Data

Authors ↑ Year Title Link Journal/Book Abstract
Hadfield, K., O'Brien, F. K., & Gerow, A.2017Is level of prematurity a risk/plasticity factor at three years of age?OpenInfant Behaviour and Development
Hannan, C., Halpin, B.2014The Influence of Family Structure on Child Outcomes: Evidence for IrelandOpenEconomic And Social Review
Hannan, C., Halpin, B., Coleman, C.2013Growing up in a One-Parent FamilyOpenFamily Support Agency
Healy, C., Coughlan, H., Clarke, M., Kelleher, I., Cannon, M.2020What mediates the longitudinal relationship between psychotic experiences and psychopathology?OpenJournal of Abnormal Psychology
Healy, C., Coughlan, H., Williams, J., Clarke, M., Kelleher, I., Cannon, M.2019Changes in the self-concept and risk of psychotic experiences in adolescence: a longitudinal population based cohort studyOpenJournal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry
Healy, C., Eaton, A., Cotter, I., Carter, E., Dhondt, N., Cannon, M.2021Mediators of the longitudinal relationship between childhood adversity and late adolescent psychopathologyOpenPsychological Medicine
Healy, S., Patterson, F., Williams, E., Lozano, A.J., Hanlon, A., Obrusnikova, I.2020Rethinking daily movement behaviours of children with autism spectrum disorder: meeting the 24-hour movement guidelinesOpenEuropean Journal of Adapted Physical Activity
Heinen, M., Murrin, C., Daly, L., et al.2014The Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative (COSI) in the Republic of Ireland: Findings from 2008, 2010 and 2012OpenThe Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative (COSI)
Hoyne, C., Egan, S. M.2022ABCs and 123s: A large birth cohort study examining the role of the home learning environment in early cognitive developmentOpenJournal of Experimental Child Psychology
Hughes, A., Gallagher, S., Hannigan, A.2015A Cluster Analysis of Reported Sleeping Patterns of 9-Month Old Infants and the Association with Maternal Health: Results from a Population Based Cohort Study.OpenMaternal and Child Health Journal
Hyland, M., Layte, R., Lyons, S., McCoy, S., Silles, M.2015Are Classroom Internet Use and Academic Performance Higher after Government Broadband Subsidies to Primary Schools?OpenThe Economic and Social Review
Jabakhanji, S.B., Boland, F., Ward, M., Biesma, R.2018Body mass index changes in early childhoodOpenThe Journal of Pediatrics
Katsantonis, I., Symonds, J. E.2023Population heterogeneity in developmental trajectories of internalising and externalising mental health symptoms in childhood: differential effects of parenting stylesOpenEpidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences, 32, e16.
Katsantonis, I.G., Symonds, J.E., McLellan, R. 2024Longitudinal relations between child emotional difficulties and parent-child closeness: a stability and malleability analysis using the STARTS modelOpenChild and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health
Keane, E., Layte, R., Harrington, J., Kearney, P., Perry, I.2012Measured parental weight status and familial socio-economic status correlates with childhood overweight and obesity at age 9.OpenPLoS ONE
Keane, E., Perry, C.P., Kearney, P.M., Harrington, J.M., Perry, I.J., Cullinan, J., Layte, R.2015Childhood obesity, dietary quality and the role of the local food environment: cross-sectional analysis from the growing up in Ireland studyOpenJournal of Epidemiology & Community Health
Kelly, D., Kelly, A., O'Dowd, T., Hayes, C.B.2019Antibiotic use in early childhood and risk of obesity: longitudinal analysis of a national cohortOpenWorld Journal of Pediatrics
Kelly, D., O'Dowd, T., Reulbach, U.2012Use of folic acid supplements and risk of cleft lip and palate in infants: a population-based cohort study.OpenBritish Journal of General Practice
Kelly, L., Murray, A., Quail, A., McNamara, E.2022Adaptations to a cohort study in response to the COVID-19 pandemic: insights from Growing Up in IrelandOpenLongitudinal and Life Course Studies
Kent, G., Pitsia, V.2018A comparison of home learning environment of families at risk of socio-economic disadvantage to national norms in IrelandOpenIrish Educational Studies
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