Over the years of Growing Up in Ireland, the data have been used by researchers to examine a range of issues and concerns in the lives of children and young people, and their parents. In a new series of posts, we highlight studies published in peer-reviewed journals that address particular themes. The second in our series looks at Physical Activity and Screen Time.
Physical activity parenting practices in Ireland: a qualitative analysis. Sohun, R., McPhail, A. & MacDonncha, C.
Does physical activity moderate the association between screen time and psychosocial development in early childhood? Analysis of a longitudinal infant cohort study in Ireland. Neville, R. D., Nelson, M. A., Madigan, S., Browne, D. T. & Lakes , K. D.
Longitudinal Association Between Participation in Organized Sport and Psychosocial Development in Early Childhood. Neville, R. D., Guo, Y., Boreham, C. A. & Lakes, K. D.
Physical activity and screen time among youth with autism: A longitudinal analysis from 9 to 18 years. Dahlgren, J., Healy, S., MacDonald, M., Geldhof, J., Palmiere, K. & Haegele, J. A.
Physical activity and emotional-behavioural difficulties in young people: a longitudinal population-based cohort study. Bowe, A., Healy, C., Cannon, M. & Codd, M. B.
Emerging Digital Generations? Impacts of Child Digital Use on Mental and Socioemotional Well-Being across Two Cohorts in Ireland, 2007–2018. Bohnert, M. & Gracia, P.
Bidirectional associations between screen time and children’s externalizing and internalizing behaviors. Neville, R. D., McArthur, B. A., Eirich, R., Lakes, K. D. & Madigan, S.
Screen-Time and Non-Verbal Reasoning in Early Childhood: Evidence from the Growing Up in Ireland Study. Egan, S. & Beatty, C.
Early mobile phone ownership: influencing the wellbeing of girls and boys in Ireland? Dempsey, S., Lyons, S. & McCoy, S.
The Role of Screen Time and Screen Activity in the Nonverbal Reasoning of 5-Year-Olds: Cross-Sectional Findings from a Large Birth Cohort Study. Egan, S. & Beatty, C.
Working hard and playing hard: multiple group membership, exercise and cognitive performance in boys and girls. Beadleston, L., O’Donnell, A., McMahon, J., McMahon, G., Kinsella, E., Kearns, M., Jay, S. & Muldoon, O.
Screens, teens, and psychological well-being: Evidence from three time-use-diary studies. Orben, A. & Przybylski, A.
Physical activity and obesity among nine-year-old children with and without chronic health problems, illness, or disabilities in Ireland. Haegele, J., Healy, S. & Zhu, X.
From Perception to Action: The Mediating Role of Parental Safety Concerns on Adolescents’ Physical Activity. Yu, C. & Woo, A.
Physical Activity, Screen-Time Behavior, and Obesity Among 13-Year Olds in Ireland with and without Autism Spectrum Disorder. Healy, S., Haegele, J., Grenier, M. & Garcia, J.
The Individual, Social, and Environmental Correlates Of Physical Activity and Screen Time in Irish Children: Growing Up in Ireland Study. Garcia, J. M., Healy, S. & Rice, D.
Results From Ireland North and South’s 2016 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth. Harrington, D., Murphy, M., Carlin, A., Coppinger, T., Donnelly, A., Dowd, K., Keating, T., Murphy, N., Murtagh, E., O’Brien, W., Woods, C. & Belton, S.
Determinants of uptake and maintenance of active commuting to school. Murtagh, E., Dempster, M. & Murphy, M.
Are Classroom Internet Use and Academic Performance Higher after Government Broadband Subsidies to Primary Schools? Hyland, M., Layte, R., Lyons, S., McCoy, S. & Silles, M.
The effects of individual, family and environmental factors on physical activity levels in children: a cross-sectional study. Cadogan, S., Keane, E. & Kearney, P.
Screen Time Increases Risk of Overweight and Obesity in Active and Inactive 9-Year-Old Irish Children: A Cross Sectional Analysis. Lane, A., Harrison, M. & Murphy, N.